shivered in shock. Drake and Madison stood just behind him, their eyes fixed on mine. In the flicker of the light from above, their eyes appeared to change colour, blue, green, yellow.
Turning, I looked at Harker and said, “This had better be good.”
Knowing that he now had my full attention, Harker lowered his gun. He didn’t put it away altogether, but kept it pressed against his thigh. “You will go to the Wolf House with Madison and Drake,” he started.
“Why them?” I cut in.
“To make sure that once you are there, you don’t leave. But I also need to know that you’ve caught this werewolf,” he said.
“What are you trying to say, that you think I’m dumb enough to dress up the first person I come across in a fur coat and try and pass them off as a freaking werewolf?” I snapped. “Give me some credit. Unlike you three jokers, I think I can catch myself a Lycanthrope.”
“And your arrogance will be your downfall,” Harker said. “Don’t underestimate this wolf. We’ve tried to catch him for months but he has eluded us – kept one step ahead. This wolf is no fool.”
“So what you’re trying to tell me is that this crazed, homicidal child killer – this piece of filth – is mentally superior to you?” I asked with a wry smile. “He inherited the one and only Lycanthrope brain cell then?”
“Continue with your infantile remarks, if that’s what pleases you, Potter,” Harker said. “But you have three nights and three nights only to catch this ‘piece of filth’as you so eloquently described him.”
“Three nights,” I scoffed. “Three hours should be enough!”
“Potter!” Murphy grimaced in pain. “Listen to him – he wouldn’t have stooped to this if he wasn’t desperate. Desperate men are dangerous! Desperate Lycanthrope are deadlier.”
“What wise words your sergeant has for you, Potter,” Harker said with that stupid grin of his. “You should listen to him. I’m not playing games.”
Knowing in my heart that he wasn’t, I said, “Why only three nights?”
“Unlike other Lycanthrope, this wolf is in some way affected by the moon,” he said.
“I thought all werewolves were controlled by the moon and had to dodge silver bullets,” I sneered.
“You’ve been reading too many fairy tales,” Harker sneered back. “However, this werewolf does seem to be affected by the cycle of the moon. The moon is full tonight and will be for the next three nights. This werewolf always kills on a full moon, so we suspect that tonight he will take another child to the Wolf House.”
“I don’t wish to point out the obvious, but why haven’t you just staked out this Wolf House yourselves?” I asked.
“Don’t you think that’s the first thing we did?” Harker grumbled. “I’ve had my best two officers, Drake and Madison, camped out at that house for weeks and still this wolf eludes us.”
Looking over at Madison and Drake, I said, “Perhaps your officers aren’t all they are cracked up to be?” I noticed Drake shift uncomfortably on the spot and Madison just fixed me with her yellow stare. I hated to admit this to myself, after all she was a Lycanthrope and was involved in this plot to shoot Murphy, but she was real cute. As if being able to see into my mind with that stare of hers, she suddenly smiled at me, and I looked away.
“So what happens if I don’t return in three nights with this child-killing Lycanthrope?” I asked Harker as I lit a cigarette.
“Murphy bleeds to death, and you and Luke are arrested for the murder of this poor man,” he said matter-of-factly as he glanced once more at the corpse. “And once you are in official police custody, it won’t take them long to figure out what you truly are.”
“What if you’ve got me all wrong?” I asked him, blowing smoke in his face. “What if I couldn’t give a crap about the old man with the gunshot wound or Brad Pitt over there? Let’s say as soon as I get away from here, I tear