the Bunker and set up a new life somewhere with a colder climate:
“If we can get a boat we head for Iceland,” Tina eyes lit up, imagining an icy haven, everyone dressed in thick furs, drinking vodka, illuminated by the Northern Lights.
Tina had been a prison officer, her short hair, array of facial piercings and cold grey eyes hid a caring interior. “…But if we can’t get as far as Iceland, I say we just head as far north as we can, like to the Scottish Highlands.” She imagined feasting on roast ox, drinking whisky, all the men wearing kilts. She knew the kilts were unrealistic, but it was her imagination, and she was going to enjoy it.
Jim was not convinced: “It’s deadly out there. Every time we send a group out, fewer of them come back. It appears that whatever is keeping these things alive is slowing the rot, but you only have to smell them to know they are rotting, however slowly.”
Max sat forward, “We have no idea how long it will take them to rot sufficiently so that they become harmless. Three months on and they still look pretty fresh.”
“But the smell,” pointed out Danniella, “the smell proves their cells are breaking down.”
“Let’s think about the smell,” continued Max, “when someone dies they evacuate their bowels…”
“You mean they shit themselves?” Interrupted Arlene. After Summer, Arlene was the youngest survivor: her angelic face belied her ferocious temper and filthy sense of humour.
“Yes,” replied Max, “when you die you ‘shit yourself.’ So even if they don’t rot they will smell. Then whatever torn lumps of flesh they eat, together with the remains lying around too far gone to reanimate will make the world a pretty smelly place up there, even without zombies rotting.”
They all sat in silence, contemplating the state of the world.
Danniella was the first to speak: “But if nothing else rots them, at least freezing and defrosting is going to mess them up.”
“We just don’t know what’s going to happen to these things over the next months and years,” began Jim, “but we do know that it’s safe, really safe down here. It’s about as safe as it is possible to be in our Brave New World. I think we have to prepare for at least a year underground.”
“A year?” Arlene rocked unhappily in her chair.
“You thinking that’s too long or not long enough?” Asked Jim.
“Dunno. Both. I was doing three years before all this started. Would of got out after two, so I guess I’m still winning.” Arlene had been in a prison for young offenders before the outbreak. She was the last surviving prisoner, and Tina the last surviving guard.
Tina sighed “See it as time off for good behaviour.”
“Anyway,” Jim spoke again, “a year, with two Winters of freezing and defrosting, and one Summer heat, should do some damage. Once they’re weakened, we review our situation. If we’re self-sustaining by then, and the zombies still look intact, I suggest we give it a little longer. But if they’re rotting, or life is getting too tough down here, we can make a move.”
“Let’s add some weapons to our shopping list,” suggested Will, “we’ll prepare for leaving at the same time as we prepare to stay.”
“What kind of weapons do you have in mind?” Asked Tina. “I strongly suspect that any gun shops have already been raided.”
“I’m thinking axes, and… um… axes really,” Will