Dani stood ramrod stiff,
disbelieving their blatant cruelty. She couldn’t turn and face them this time
and hated the feeling that their stares were fixed on her ass as they let out
their harsh taunts. She wanted out of there. Forget it. She dropped her snacks
and water on a nearby shelf and abruptly left her place in line to go find
solace in the bathroom. A hot tear managed its way down her cheek. Quickly, she
wiped it away.
You’d like her… I really love this girl.
Dani opted to walk the length of the
truck stop, squeezing her hands as she went, bypassing the busy bathroom
closest to her, hopeful there was another one at the far end. Desperate, she picked
up her pace. Hunger pangs rumbled around and her stomach growled but right now
she needed a minute to regain her composure and hide.
Finally, she made it to the bathroom.
It sounded quiet enough that it could be empty and she let herself hang limply
over the sink for a moment. She stood there, hugging her face in her hands.
Honorable men,
shallow men, rude men and kind men. What was wrong with her that she couldn’t
get on the same page with at least one of them? She was twenty-six years old.
Why hadn’t it happened yet? What was it about her that caught their attention
at first until they got bored and then left? She hated her body in that moment. The fact that she attracted a certain type of attention, the
kind that called to the wrong kind of man.
That she fell every single time.
Her Thom, who she’d thought cared
about her, was in love with some woman he was deployed with. How did Dani hate
a female soldier out fighting for her freedom? Couldn’t Thom at least have broken
her heart with someone less heroic? Now Dani was left behind with his baby
growing in her belly and guilt every time she tried to curse him for it. Four months
along, four months since he’d deployed.
you did for me before I left was incredible.
Dani’s head now slumped as she
gripped the sides of the sink. She turned on the faucet and let the cold water
cool her skin. She’d been so dumb, sleeping with him the one time, the night
before he left. Just in case he didn’t come home. Her idea,
her insistence. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“Why? Why? I don’t understand.
What is wrong with me?” she let out in frustration. Her head swam with
insecurity. Thank God she was alone. Surely this was an ugly sight and she didn’t
want to be seen.
Stefan had to pee in the worst
way. Finally, he found a toilet that wasn’t closed for cleaning. As he rounded
the entrance to the men’s, he caught the reflection of a bright yellow pant leg
poking out from the women’s. The ill-placed mirror probably got lots of
complaints from ladies wanting their privacy but he could kiss whoever had
screwed up and placed it so perfectly. There she stood, at the sink.
my luck .
Normally he didn’t make it his
habit to stalk women at truck stops, but he’d recognize the bright yellow
outfit and those shiny, colorful snakeskin clogs for a long time to come. Man,
she’d gotten a few deadly kicks in on that gas pump earlier in them. Reminded him not to ever be on the receiving end. At least not unprepared. She had a definite fire inside. He
should be preparing to see his mom and everything that entailed, not picking up
on pump five’s vibes, but they were impossible to ignore. This peek was the
most excitement he’d felt on his and Will’s road trip. Slowly, he scraped his
teeth against his bottom lip, deciding.
At least he didn’t have to wonder
about one particular burning question anymore. This is where his mystery woman
had gone to. He’d had to leave her earlier while she’d been in line because
that’s all he needed was to make a scene and bitch slap those two dildos who’d
teased her. His hand had been seconds away from the taller one’s face. Hopefully
they’d heard his warning loud and clear and left her alone. He’d bent down in
the next aisle over to