you will be safe.”
As he walked me near the manor, we stayed hidden, knowing Corbin could see us. I did not want George to leave. I held on to him as tight as I could. For I did not know my fate. Once the word ‘witch’ was thrown around, it was only a matter of hours or days before they came for me. And there was no way out.
“I will do whatever I can to stop the rumors and correct them.”
“You can only do so much, George. Please, do not get yourself involved or they will come for you as well.”
“You need not worry for me, my love.”
“I love you George.”
He drew me into his embrace and I could feel his lips pressed to my head. He held me at arm’s length and looked into my eyes. “I love you, Savina. Please, stay safe tonight.” He kissed me with such a fervor. Then he kissed my hand, and I knew I had to leave him.
I walked inside the manor and stopped once I heard Veronica yelling at Corbin. I closed the door behind me without a sound and crept next to the partially opened parlor door. I held my breath and listened, though my pounding heartbeat throbbed in my ears.
“I thought you said you were only blaming Savina,” Veronica shouted at him.
“I did. What happened?”
“They are blaming me, too.”
“Have they said this?”
“No, I can read their minds, Corbin. They are coming for us tomorrow night.”
I froze. Corbin spread the rumors. He betrayed me. Why would he have done such a thing? What had Veronica said to him to make him hate me so much?
“We must hide you,” Corbin said. “I assure you, I did not have my man mention your name.”
“I did not think you would betray me.”
“Of course, not.” He let out a long sigh. “I fear Savina believes I have betrayed her, though. She is the only daughter I have ever had.”
“Do not be so hard on yourself, Corbin. Once we return to Caprington, they will understand.”
“I never wanted to hurt them.”
“Sometimes we hurt the ones we love because it’s necessary.”
“Can we not tell them now?”
“I fear they are too young to understand. I still believe it will be better hearing our family’s stories.”
“I do not like this secrecy, Veronica. They are my children.”
“I understand. But what will happen if they choose not to come with us? What will you do then?”
“I have no answer. But they are losing their trust with me each day.”
“You will need to decide, dear brother.”
“Perhaps now that the town is accusing Savina of witchcraft, she and Colden will see.”
“Colden, maybe. I fear Savina is too involved with the Ephemerals.”
“It is only because of George.”
“He will betray her.”
“Will he?”
“Do not challenge me Corbin. They are despicable creatures. Ones that must be destroyed.”
“You are right.”
“One more thing. This may interest you. There are Enchanters with elemental powers. They are rare, but powerful. I have been told that a group of elementals will be extraordinarily powerful. If we could find them, we would have the strongest coven and we could use them to rid the world of Ephemerals.”
“Where have you heard this?” his voice sounded eager to know more. It was as if both of them were starving for power.
“I have my sources. But we must begin our search for them. I will depart tonight to Caprington. Come there when you have killed them all. Bring Savina and Colden. The family will be happy to meet them.”
I heard Veronica cross the room to leave, and I ran into Colden’s room with bated breath, closing his door behind me.
“Savina?” Colden looked up from his writing.
“Corbin. He is the one blaming me.”
He furrowed his thick eyebrows and crossed the room to me. “Blaming you for what?”
“For spreading the disease.”
“He would not do that. You must be mistaken.”
“He did!” I shouted.
“Why would he do that? That does not make any sense.”
“He wants me to see how awful they can be. I do not know why.”
“You know what