used to be.”
“Then it will be an adventure. Just tell me where the hot spots are so I can track down my hottie.”
“Oh for Pete’s sake, Matt. Who the hell knows where she could be, or what she could have planned? She might even be in a different village.”
“No, I don’t think so. I have a feeling she’s here, somewhere.”
“Well, you’re just wasting your time if you ask me. She might be jumping to another island today.”
“No. She has that funny way of talking – you know, the way Americans who’ve lived overseas too long enunciate carefully, and don’t use much slang. I don’t know if she’s local, but I don’t think she’s far, and I know she’s not a tourist.”
“Come with me instead, and I’ll introduce you to Jennifer. I’m telling you, Matt,” she smacked the edge of the counter with the spoon. “You’ll really like her.”
“Jennifer? Ginny and Jenny?” I cracked up.
“She doesn’t go by Jenny. It’s Jennifer. You might remember her. She moved here when she was thirteen, about three months before we left that first time.”
Ginny now had my undivided attention. “No way. You mean little Jenny… Shit, I can’t remember her last name. Lived over near Dimitri’s café.”
“You do remember! That’s her. But don’t call her Jenny. She hates that.”
I remembered. She and Ginny hung out sometimes, but mostly she just followed me around. I’d be down at the dock, diving with the other boys, and she’d show up, just to watch. She had a huge crush on me, but Jesus, she was only thirteen, and I was sixteen, nearly a man, or so it seemed. Obnoxious little kid, that’s what she was.
“Thanks, but no.” An icy chill went through me, remembering how strange it was. My girlfriend Anna teased me about her constantly and called her my shadow.
“You are so weird. Just because you’re hanging on to some adolescent prejudice, you refuse to even consider one of the coolest women I know.”
“I only go for the un-cool nerds these days.” The kettle began its low whistle and I turned off the gas. Ginny brought the cups over for me to fill.
“You do not,” she nudged me with her shoulder, moving the cup slightly so that I missed and poured the water on my toes.
“Fuck, Ginny!” I slammed the kettle down and danced around, trying to shake the scalding torment. “Son of a bitch, that hurt.”
“Shut up and rub some dirt on it,” Ginny said, suddenly channeling our dad.
I waved my fist at her. “Why I oughta…”
She giggled and finished filling our cups. “Want some aloe?”
“Na. I’ll be fine. When it cools down,” I nodded at the cups, “I’ll rub some of that mud on it.”
After a couple of days spent combing the waterfront, the beaches, and the shops of the Agora, I set up base camp at the port café. Anyone spending time on the island had to come through the port eventually. While it wasn’t in the center of town, it was definitely the hub. Buses, taxis, boats – they all came and left from the port.
I wasn’t worried she might no longer be on the island, or even be in another town, because I saw her one day in the Agora. At least, I’m pretty sure it was her. Though she was far ahead of me in the market and disappeared almost immediately, the way she moved, her graceful sidestep away from the vegetable man and his donkey, struck my heart, just as she had on the ship. She faded from view under a pink, bougainvillea covered archway. I ran, but couldn’t overtake her. The shops closed for the afternoon before I finally gave up the search.
My second chance nearly came and went the third day at the café because I was so mesmerized by the setting sun. Sunsets are amazing anywhere, but there’s something about the sun setting over the deep blue of the Aegean Sea, casting colors above the horizon you just can’t find outside of that place in time. I had my camera out, trying to capture the moment to savor months from now when inner