encounter and the taste of Mark’s cock. He licked his lips.
Mark stirred and turned on his side to face him, his eyes open, a smile and a wink. In the darkness they could see each other through the light of the bright moon. Mark grinned, one hand moving slowly as he watched Jay. It was obvious where that hand had gone, and what he was doing with it.
Jay watched him, the excitement in his own groin increasing. He watched Mark tense and guessed that he had come. He shook his head and let loose with his own grin, mouthing the word ‘crazy’ at him. The young guy was certainly something else with a wild streak that often shocked him.
He sure was a different sort.
Jay closed his eyes. He had a few hours yet before rising. He had promised to work on the teacher’s house at some point that day.
No doubt the new teacher was some demure, pretty young thing. He hope to God she wouldn’t flirt with him. Anytime a woman made eyes at him, he always felt awkward and out of place. He preferred the company of men in every way.
Chapter Three
The lady who owned The Mercantile, as it was called, along with her husband, was more than happy to assist him and fill his order.
She spun around the store with list in hand, all the while telling him the merits of living in the area.
Will smiled and nodded as she went on and on. When she would slow down, he’d slip a word or two in just to keep her entertained and amused.
After his supplies had been bundled up, he made his way back to the house.
The wallpaper in the front parlour had unstuck in many places, and removing it proved to be a daunting task. It was apparent that the previous teacher had a thing for everything floral. However, it wasn’t his taste and it had to go.
Soaking it with luke -warm soapy water proved helpful, and by noon, most of the room had been stripped free of the horrid overly feminine pattern.
The house had potential. The structure appeared to be sound and the layout, while small, was practical.
“Hello?” called a deep baritone voice.
He jumped just a bit, then blushed at his reaction now that the man was standing before him. “I’m sorry. You startled me. You must be the man from the ranch.”
“Jay Harnett ,” replied the man, reaching out to grip his hand in a firm handshake. “You’re the new teacher?”
“William Jon, but most usually call me Will.”
“I was expecting a woman.”
“Sorry to disappoint you then.”
The man shifted uncomfortably. “I didn’t mean any disrespect. We just never had a man teacher around here before.”
“Is that so? Well, there is always room for change, and sometimes it’s well-needed. Don’t you think?”
“I reckon in some circumstances. Change can bring about much good.”
“Well, at least we agree on something.”
“I see you’ve started.”
“The wallpaper? Yeah, it had to go. I prefer more neutral tones.”
“Now we have two things in common.” The man grinned, two deep dimples framing his smile.
He was handsome in a rugged way. Will traced his eyes over the man’s strong chest and back to his face. He possessed a nice smile, warm and welcoming.
“I hear the roof is in a hard way, and on the way in, I spotted a couple of pickets missing from the fence.”
“And the glass in the kitchen window, it’s busted,” added Will. “The rest I can manage myself.”
“Well then, I best get up on the roof and take a look. Do you have a ladder?”
“It’s out back, leaning against the house.”
When he turned to walk away, Will couldn’t resist stealing a quick glance at the other man’s perfectly sculpted butt. He flushed again at the less than pure thoughts racing through his mind. The last thing he needed at this time was complications. And thinking about any man in that forbidden way could possible bring them about in spades.
Thirty minutes later, Jay returned. He cradled one hand in the other and there was blood, so much blood.