soothing touches to her reddened face.
Tanya's mouth stretched open into an impossible yawn while she was engrossed in maximal release. Her screech filled the air and she bounced and strained every muscle. Her head craned forward and her body quivered like the toy that was slotted within her. Orgasm struck and seemed to rampage through every particle of her anatomy.
Wailing against a perfect blend of purest agony and ecstasy, Tanya could do nothing as the woman thrashed into her presented rear with heinous strokes. The Mistress pushed Tanya further through the twin and radically different spires of ultimate experience. She escalated the effects of the toy with every stroke and through Tanya's already formidable distress.
The cane ceased its application and Tanya fell languid into the arms of her bondage. Hanging loose and weeping freely, her mind dripped with bloody tears of shock. The intensity of the event had left her dazed and torn up by these new emotions. She swore she could not handle them, that they were overwhelming her.
"Here comes a reward, slave. Enjoy it because your Mistress does not bestow them often," said her Master with a wry and knowing smile.
The torturess moved around in front of her and held Tanya's head. The woman placed it into her cleavage so that Tanya could cry and release her distraught response. Tanya felt exorcised, cleansed in mind and body by the ordeal, as though she had overcome some great obstacle and was now liberated from any guilt or personal defect by the intensity of what she had been forced to go though at the hands of this perfect sadist.
"Tell me that you love me, slave," she whispered softly.
"Ah uvv oo, istrefh," she croaked weakly over the strange gag.
New flows of tears ran down her cheeks, but spawned from adoration. The words had not merely been said, they were wholeheartedly believed.
"Good slave," commented the woman.
The Mistress started to untie the strands in her hair and Tanya swung back down. Hanging apathetic in her bonds, the fury of the event still lingered within her and filled every nerve with a twisting stash of excess feeling.
The ankle cuffs sprung open and before Tanya fell, the arcane hold grabbed her and lowered her toward the floor. The unseen fist reversed her at the last moment so that she settled down onto her knees.
Tanya was held upright by this grip and she felt her Master using strands of rope to connect the knot at her back and reach the coils down to her ankles. The two lengths sucked in all slack to bend her backward and leave Tanya unable to straighten up. Her chest was thrust into the air and her head was left draping on a moribund neck.
Her crotch rope was swiftly untied and the act of the dildo being pulled from her tender loins caused her to spasm and cry out from the flash of sensation brought by its flight. Tanya tried to jerk upright but the ropes to her ankles prevented it. The sudden fight of balance and bondage almost caused her to fall over.
The rope was wound about her waist again, but this time the knot at the base of her spine allowed the rest of the rope to traverse between her legs. This pressed the knots to her anus and clit once more before they rose directly up to attach to the overhead beam. With this uncomfortable support, she was prevented from lowering and any movement of her legs or body caused the rope at her crotch to chafe. She could not lie down and she could not rise. Tanya found herself trapped in the contorted bondage pose.
The torturess settled down before Tanya's front. She knelt where Tanya could not see her because her head was still flopped back. Even though Tanya's neck was aching from being left loose, she just did not have the energy to correct or resist the pose.
Hands reached around to her splayed thighs and began to run up and down the smooth flesh. The woman caressed the parted limbs so she might savour the feel her exposed slave.
The hands of the Mistress continued to meander. They ran