whether you’re wearing clothing or not. The joke will be on you showing up to Harvey’s, butt ass naked. Now, get going!”
Melody felt her jaw drop. She’d never heard him say a curse word in the three years she had known him. Leon was a saint. The reason why he’d fallen to begin with wasn’t clear. He’d never told her, and she was too respectful to ask. She had been hoping he’d tell her when he felt comfortable enough, but he never had.
Stinging raced down her leg while the water ran over the cut. Bruising surrounded the deep laceration. Damn, she’d wiped out pretty good. If only she could remember why … or how. Knowing her, she was probably going way too fast down her gravel road. It wouldn’t be the first time this sort of thing had happened. Still, she figured she would have learned by now.
“Three minutes!”
Melody lathered her hair with the soap and nearly screamed at the agony that raced down her back. How had she forgotten about that? At the banging on the door, she felt herself hurrying. She wasn’t sure if he would really come in or not, but just in case, she sure as hell didn’t want her hair to be full of shampoo.
“Two minutes.”
“Bull, that was more like thirty seconds!” She quickly washed her body and turned off the water. The moment the mirror was wiped off she took in her back. “Oh my…”
“Time ’s up!”
Melody wrapped the towel around tightly just as the door swung open. Her eyes narrowed, angrily. “Dammit, Leon. Didn’t you hear the water turn off?” Brown eyes took her body in. She felt herself shift under his gaze. There’d never been sexual tension between them before, not like this. She couldn’t stop the uncomfortable feeling that washed through her.
The fallen angel stood before her, not moving. The amount of arousal pouring from his skin had her stepping back. Melody hardly ever picked up on the scent of people’s emotions, but just knowing she could sense his was a bit scary.
“ Leon.” She said his name loudly, trying to break the fixation she had on her body.
His eyes lifted to her face . Slowly, his head shook back and forth. “I’m sorry.” He stepped back. “Get dressed and let’s go.”
“But— “
“You’re going.” The look he gave her said he was serious about dragging her out. Melody slammed the door and put on some jeans and a t-shirt. She would only stay there for a few days and let this blow over. There was no way any demons could track her down. Not even the master she’d seen standing outside. He entered back into her mind and she felt herself become wet at just the thought of him. It took everything she had not to moan out loud. Damn, he’d been sexy in that dark suit. Too sexy and powerful looking, if she wanted to admit. It was best if she pushed him as far from her mind as she could. What she needed to focus on was hunting demons.
The thought of staying at Harvey’s suddenly didn’t sound like a bad idea. He did live in the city. That would make things a lot easier for her t o get in to take out more evil. It was what she was meant to do, by god, and she was damn good at it. Now that she had the secret weapon to actually take them out with a pull of her trigger, she wasn’t about to stop.
Excitement took over and she rushed from the bathroom , grabbed her gun, and started packing her clothes. As she stuffed them in the overnight bag, she made sure to hide the box of bullets and her savings in the middle. “Ready.” She met Leon in the hallway. “Since we’ll be in the city, I need you to take me by the dealership. I need a new bike.”
He took her bag and threw it over his shoulder. “Let’s just go. We’ll talk more about what we’ll do when we’re on our way.”
Melody noticed that Leon had three trash bags worth of clothing in the bed of the truck. “How long are you planning to stay?” The engine roared to life and dirt billowed out behind them as they sped down the road. The broken bike