didn’t,” Nolan admitted, feeling completely impressed.
“I always assumed the reason you came here was to mask the pain that you suffered after the loss of your wife,” Boris continued. “That’s why I never came down hard on you, even when you became drunk and belligerent.”
Nolan nodded. There were times that he had become a nuisance after consuming a few too many drinks. In fact, he had once pulled his gun on Damian after he had refused to refill Nolan’s glass again.
“I appreciate your understanding,” Nolan finally said.
Boris smiled. “Don’t worry, we’re all in this together. Remember, twelve years and counting.”
Nolan looked at his glass and nodded.
The flat screen television mounted on the wall always played the news channel. Nolan had once asked Damian why it wasn’t set on the sports channel, or maybe even on the music channel. Damian’s response was that he didn’t like either. So news it was.
An anchor was talking about the ten billion dollar acquisition of Devon Pharma by pharmaceutical giant Leitner Technologies. Devon Pharma was cash strapped. They had invested heavily on a new drug that was in its trial stages. There wasn’t much reported on the drug except that it would help millions of Americans who were suffering from depression and addiction.
Nolan smacked his lips. His mind and his body were aching for bourbon, vodka, whiskey; anything with alcohol in it.
“I sure could use that drug now,” he mumbled to himself.
His cell phone rang. Normally he would have ignored it, but this time he didn’t.
He downed the glass, scrunched his face, and then left the bar.
Hyder took Felix to his cubicle. Felix beamed. “So this is where the great Hyder Ali does his magic?” Felix asked.
Hyder felt a twinge of embarrassment. “It’s just a place to sit and work.” He replied.
Hyder pulled up another chair. Have a seat,” he said. “So tell me about yourself.”
“Where do I start,” Felix said, looking away. Inadvertently, he rubbed the back of his head with his left hand.
Hyder noted he had still not pulled out his right hand from his pocket.
Felix caught him staring and then, with the help of his left hand, he pulled it out. Hyder didn’t see anything wrong with it.
“It’s limp,” Felix said, as if reading his mind. “I can’t use it.”
“I’m sorry,” Hyder said, feeling a stronger twinge of embarrassment. “I apologize for staring.”
“I didn’t take any offense” Felix replied, his tone cordial. “At least you didn’t make any comment about it.”
“Yeah, but I wanted to,” Hyder admitted. “I’m still sorry you lost the use of your hand, though.”
“Thanks. It happened when I was young, so I’m used to it by now. Anyway, I just completed my degree in journalism from Franklin University.”
“I graduated from there too,” Hyder said, smiling.
“I know,” Felix replied. “I read about you in the campus newspapers.”
After the TriGate Scandal and the Monkey Murders, Hyder’s fame (and notoriety) had risen to new heights. He had been offered to do talk shows, go on a speaking tour, and even write a book. Hyder couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to read anything about him, so he turned the book deal down and all the other opportunities as well. He felt they would only inflate his ego, and he also felt there was more he still had to accomplish in his career. All he ever wanted was to be a reporter and tell vital stories. The publicity surrounding Hyder was just a distraction to him and nothing more. He did, however, speak to his university paper. He hoped his story would inspire others to become journalists.
Hyder noted the enthusiasm in Felix’s voice as he spoke of his time at Franklin U. It reminded him of when he had first joined the Daily Times as a term reporter. All he wanted at that time was to prove that he belonged.
Hyder smiled when he learned that