of psychology, Galen’s idea
c.190 CE The Natural Faculties
by imbalances of the humors, he
that many physical and mental
c.190 CE Three Treatises on the
claimed they can be cured by diet
illnesses are connected forms the
Nature of Science
and exercise. In more extreme
basis of some modern therapies. ■
RENE DESCARTES (1596–1650)
The mind and the body
are separate .
Mind/body dualism
4th century BCE Greek
philosopher Plato claims that
The mind (or “soul”) is
the body is from the material
The body is a material ,
immaterial , but seated in the
world, but the soul, or mind,
mechanical machine .
pineal gland of the brain .
is from the immortal world
of ideas.
4th century BCE Greek
philosopher Aristotle says
The mind can control
that the soul and body are
the physical body by
inseparable: the soul is the
causing “animal
actuality of the body.
spirits” to flow through
the nervous system.
1710 In A Treatise Concerning
the Principles of Human
Knowledge , Anglo-Irish
seated in the brain’s pineal gland
philosopher George Berkeley
doing the thinking, while the body
claims that the body is merely
T he idea that the mind and
body are separate and
different dates back to Plato
is like a machine that operates by
the perception of the mind.
and the ancient Greeks, but it was
“animal spirits,” or fluids, flowing
the 17th-century philosopher René
through the nervous system to
1904 In Does Consciousness
Descartes who first described in
cause movement. This idea had
Exist? William James asserts
detail the mind-body relationship.
been popularized in the 2nd century
that consciousness is not a
Descartes wrote De Homine (“Man”),
by Galen, who attached it to his
separate entity but a function
his first philosophical book, in 1633,
theory of the humors; but Descartes
of particular experiences.
in which he describes the dualism
was the first to describe it in detail,
of mind and body: the nonmaterial
and to emphasize the separation
mind, or “soul,” Descartes says, is
of mind and body.
See also: Galen 18–19 ■ William James 38–45 ■ Sigmund Freud 92–99
In a letter to the French philosopher
Marin Mersenne, Descartes
explains that the pineal gland is
the “seat of thought,” and so must
be the home of the soul, “because
the one cannot be separated from
There is a great
the other.” This was important,
difference between
because otherwise the soul would
mind and body.
not be connected to any solid part
René Descartes
of the body, he said, but only to the
psychic spirits.
René Descartes
Descartes imagined the mind
and body interacting through an
René Descartes was born in
La Haye en Touraine (now
awareness of the animal spirits
called Descartes), France. He
that were said to flow through the
contracted tuberculosis from
body. The mind, or soul, residing
An analogy for the mind
his mother, who died a few
in the pineal gland, located deep
Taking his inspiration from the
days after he was born, and
within the brain, was thought to
French formal gardens of Versailles,
remained weak his entire life.
sometimes become aware of the
with their hydraulic systems that
From the age of eight, he was
moving spirits, which then caused
supply water to the gardens and
educated at the Jesuit college
conscious sensation. In this way,
their elaborate fountains, Descartes
of La Flèche, Anjou, where he
the body could affect the mind.
describes the spirits of the body
began the habit of spending
Likewise, the mind could affect
operating the nerves and muscles
each morning in bed, due
the body by causing an outflow of
like the force of water, and “by this
to his poor health, doing
animal spirits to a particular region
means to cause motion in all the
“systematic meditation”—
of the body,