however, her “genetics” shall I say were predominantly the same as Mathias.’ As with all of Mathias’ family, this strong gene does not start to show itself until a person reaches the age of 17. A bit like puberty but different. Once you reach this stage, your physical being completely changes. You gain certain strengths and abilities, but your body still appears to be that of a human form.”
“What do you mean human form?” interrupted Catherine. “Are you trying to say that my mother and him are not human” Catherine screeched, being unable to believe the absolute absurdity she was hearing.
“Please Catherine,” pleaded Mary “I know this is difficult and incredibly confusing but I can’t get the full facts out unless you let me finish. This sounds so farfetched I know my love, but it is vital that you let me continue. There are things you have to know.”
Catherine nodded, but sat in complete shock. All Catherine could think about was this woman who raised her in such a simplistic and secure manner was really telling her all of this? Most importantly, was any of this actually true?
“As I was saying,” said Mary, “The body does not change until it is at least 17 if you are a member of Mathias family. Now as you may recall, Mathias and I spoke of the last time the circus came, which was 17 years ago. Your mother was 15, almost 16. She met a member of the circus and unbeknown to Mathias and myself, they began a love affair.
Mathias eventually discovered what was going on and forbade Samuel, the man involved, to have anything to do with our daughter. She was not of age you see and we were deeply worried he could harm her. In more than one way as you could imagine.
However Samuel was a very selfish man and had more pride than sense. He did not like being told what to do and ultimately he got your mother pregnant … with you.
Samuel knew of your mother’s heritage and had she been 17 then she would have physically coped with carrying a child of his. You see, children from Mathias people are much stronger than your average child. They grow bigger and faster and are very strong within the womb. Your mother was not 17, however, and had still had the body of a simple human. The end result was her death. Samuel knew that this would happen when he began the affair with your mother, but did not care enough for her to wait until she came of age. Had he waited, she would still be here with us today.”
Mary saw Catherine’s face fill with tears and it dawned on her that Catherine was blaming herself for her mother’s death.
“No dear, never think that. It was Samuel’s fault. He knew full well what he was doing. If he cared for your mother he would have waited until she was 17. He fled when she died, knowing her death was down to him. Had she been a mere human he would not have cared, as he … well we can discuss that later, but because if he had waited a few more months she would have been in the family, he knew his crime was serious. He had murdered one of his own and fled not through guilt, but because he knew that Mathias would wish to take revenge upon him for killing his daughter.
Mathias could not stay as he constantly has to move on, so he left you in my possession. To raise and care for as best as I could until he came back for you when you came of age. Mathias hunted for Samuel, but as of yet he has never found him.”
“I will,” said Mathias, “I will.”
“What about me?” asked Catherine, not sure if she actually wanted to know the answer to her question. “What am I?”
“You dear, are the same as your mother, but more pure as both of your parents are from the same blood line whilst your mother had only one strong blood line – Mathias.’
You remind me very much of your mother, yet you are now older than she was when she died, albeit by a few weeks”.
“When I turn 17, what will