birth; relationship with mother; Laura; motherâs death; relationship with father; DNB; VWâs writing; his death; relationship with VB; VBâs marriage; need for; resentment; attitude to R. Fry; Angelica; Julianâs death; relationship with Thoby Stephen; his death; personality: demands affection; anxiety; separation anxiety; maternal protection; social needs; unreality; relationship with George Duckworth; Stella Duckworth; death; Violet Dickinson; relationship with Clive Bell; Julian Bell; Lytton Strachey; gender and sex; libido; lesbianism; frigidity; views on marriage; Strachey proposal, relationship with LW: meeting; courtship; married; honeymoon; LWâs aggressiveness; anger over motherhood; over suburban life; pacifism and war; German holiday; prospective M.P.; LWâs protection; LWâs illness; LWâs mother; anti-Semitism; Hogarth Press; Monks House; relationship with VS-W; Harold Nicolson; maternal protector; France; jealousy; Berlin; Sissinghurst; Ethel Smyth; Freud and psychoanalysis; cyclothymia; seasonal; exacerbations; inherited; depressions; benefits; effect on writing; hypomania; mania; madness; Influenza; breakdowns over: motherâs death; fatherâs death; flirtation with Clive; Dreadnought Hoax; pre-engagement; marriage; suburban life; writing The Years; war; nursing home; anorexia and weight; paranoia; headache; suicidal ideas; LWâs plan of suicide; suicide and last letters; attitude to doctors: Dr Savage; Dr. Craig; Dr Wilberforce; writing: reviews; anon; Between the Acts; LWâs opinion; The Common Reader; Mrs Dalloway; Jacobâs Room; Night & Day; Orlando; LWâs opinion; Roger Fry; LWâs opinion; A Room of Oneâs Own; Three Guineas; LWâs opinion; To the Lighthouse; LWâs opinion; The Voyage Out; The Waves; LWâs opinion; The Years; LWâs opinion
Woolmer, Thomas
Years, The
THE MARRIAGE OF HEAVEN AND HELL . Copyright © 1999 by Peter Dally. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. For information, address St. Martinâs Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
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ISBN 0-312-20559-7
First published in Great Britain under the title Virginia Woolf: The Marriage of Heaven and Hell by Robson Books
First U.S. Edition: November 1999
eISBN 9781466885226
First eBook edition: October 2014