wasn’t wearing any underwear. Brenda watched in painfully-aroused astonishment as the man took out his cock, which looked not just enormous but breathtaking. Brenda felt a surge of terror as she imagined what it must be like to feel a cock that big thrusting into you. The man fitted the head of his cock in between Kristi’s spread cunt-lips and slid it up and down her open slit. Then, he positioned it at the entrance to her pussy. With a gentle but insistent push, he inserted the head into Kristi. Her cunt strained to accept the enormous knob, and her moans grew louder. Then the cockhead slipped inside her, and there was a moment of total silence before Kristi let out a wail of what sounded like mixed agony and pleasure. With a slow thrust of his hips, the man began to press his cock into Kristi.
Kristi’s wails grew louder at first, then quieted somewhat as her cunt loosened to accept the massive cock. The man continued to enter her until his shaft was all the way inside her, his balls pressed up against the stretched opening of Kristi’s cunt.
Soon the man was fucking Kristi slowly, bringing still louder moans from her lips. Brenda had heard Kristi moaning like that many times in the year that they had lived together. But she had never heard Kristi moaning so loud, or so long, or with such conviction.
Brenda was rubbing her clit fervently, so turned on she could barely breathe. She was close to coming again, but this time she didn’t think she could stop it even if she didn’t touch herself at all. She watched as the man began to fuck Kristi. His cock slid into her faster as Kristi’s pleasure mounted. Then suddenly, the picture went dead. The monitor became blank, and silent.
Brenda paused, on the very brink of climax, breathless. She prayed for the picture to begin again. But it didn’t. Instead, the phone rang.
Brenda was puzzled. She wasn’t thinking straight, she knew that. But she was so turned on by the videotape, she didn’t want to get herself off without it.
The phone rang again. Brenda knew if she didn’t come soon she’d go crazy, but she knew that the Master must be calling her on the phone. So without bringing herself off, Brenda reached up and picked up the phone with fingers slick with her own pussy’s juices.
“Hello,” she said stupidly, her voice hoarse with arousal. There was only silence on the other end of the phone. She was still rubbing her breasts and hard nipples with her free hand. Quickly she cradled the phone between her ear and shoulder and let her other hand drop back down to her pussy.
The voice on the other end of the line was buttery-soft, gently coaxing, with the faintest hint of a Southern twang.
“Hello, Brenda. You’re doing very well.”
Brenda tried to respond, but her voice wouldn’t come. Her arousal had taken her over; she was almost unable to form words.
“I’m the Master. I don’t have another name—not for you, at least. Are you willing to call me Master?”
Brenda tried very hard to force herself to speak. Finally she managed to mutter “Yes” with a great gasp of exertion. “Yes, Master.”
“Good,” said the Master, his voice teasing, enticing, seductive. “You haven’t climaxed yet,” he said.
Brenda gasped. How could he know that? Maybe he was just guessing, but there was a sureness to his tone that made her think he knew for sure that she hadn’t yet come. But Brenda couldn’t stop her hand from absently stroking her slit, up and down, teasing her clit and toying with the entrance to her pussy.
“You’re being watched,” came the voice. “There’s a camera under the far seat. Does that disturb you?”
Brenda’s mouth hung open in astonishment. She looked over and saw the tiny aperture winking at her from underneath the seat. It was pointed right between her spread legs. She suddenly felt more exposed, more violated, more invaded than she had ever been. Still she couldn’t stop herself from rubbing her pussy, and as she looked into the