you could tell she had a very wild, funky and original fashion sense.And everything she wrote in the school magazine was wild, funky and original as well. Me and Anna know that she is actually a BITCH, but Anna also thinks she is brilliant, which makes her a brilliant bitch, I guess. But anyway we did want her help for our poster.
In the beginning we were just listing the games we’d organise and making it sound like fun, but then Renata cut in, ‘No! Cut the fun – you need the Climate of Fear!’
We said, ‘Climate of Fear?’
‘Ummm, yeah, make ’em scared, that’s how to sell it – snotty noses, black eyes, tears before bedtime, mess, mess and more mess. Terrify the house-proud!’
Apparently if people feel nervous, they’re more likely to buy their way out of the problem. But they want to get a deal too, so, ‘Undercut the leisureplexes,’ said Renata.
Anna’s mum said, ‘Oh, Renata! That’s all so cynical!’
Renata said, ‘That’s life.’
This afternoon we showed the poster to my mum. Anna phoned to say she was coming round to my house, so I said automatically, ‘No, I’ll come round to yours.’
She said, ‘No, we always go to mine, let’s go to yours, I’m fed up of mine.’
I was surprised. My house is deeply boring and hers is the Lotto numbers – why would she rather go to mine? But since it’s true, we do always go to hers, I had to give in. My parents were out shopping when she arrived. There was just Justinewatching telly in our front room, which was clean and tidy as usual. Our house is okay. There is nothing very unique about it. Possibly you could use it in an ad for, say, breakfast cereal or washing-up powder or yoghurt. There’s nothing to alarm you in any of the corners – no dirty runners, or discarded coats, or broken toys, or just mess like there is in Anna’s house. But you couldn’t use it in an ad for mobile phones or bottled beer or anything cool because, for instance, we don’t have a long sunny room with a long white sofa where girls with shiny nails can cuddle boys with stubble. Anna chatted to Justine till I dragged her upstairs to my room.
Then she sat on the twirly chair by my desk and twirled round in circles criticising the posters on my walls: ‘ That has to go’ (twirl), and ‘that’s so last year’ (twirl), and ‘not more dolphins!’ (twirl), until I said, ‘You sound like Renata’ and she said, ‘No!’ and I said, ‘Yes! It must be contagious or maybe it’s in your genes,’ and she said, ‘No!’
But I could see that secretly she was flattered to sound like Renata.
Then she said, ‘Why don’t we ask Justine what she thinks of The Party People?’
I said, ‘What would she know?’ and Anna said, ‘Now, you sound like Renata.’
Then we heard my mum come in and Anna insisted we go down and show her the poster. Mum was really impressed actually, she laughed and laughed at the poster. Then she saidshe’d make us up business cards at work. They will be condensed versions of the poster.
Mum said, ‘A card travels faster than a poster, it travels from hand to hand.’
She is right, and we are very pleased, actually.
We are not doing up a poster or business cards for the Instruments of Karma – of course not! It is top secret. But Anna thought if Emma was ready to pay us to be mean to someone, other people would too. We are going to spread our services by word of mouth. I think Anna is mostly interested by the extra cash. I am mostly interested because suddenly I realised: this could work for the blog! As the Instruments of Karma, we will have marvellous adventures that people will want to read about. Of course we can’t put our real names – we’ll be Demise and Bomb, under cover of secrecy. But that could make it more fun. We are going to put up cunning photos of the backs – or sides – of our heads, so you can’t really make out who we are. I think this blog may have a cult following.