is threaded on one end. To use the lance, you screw the tube together with a matted
regulator (like a welding outfit uses) and hook up an oxygen tank. Then oxygen is turned on
and the rod is lit with a standard welding igniter. The device produces an incredible
amount of heat. It is used for cutting up concrete blocks or even rocks. An active lance will
go through a foot of steel in a few seconds. The lance is also known as a burning bar, and is
available from:
7748 W. Addison
Chicago, IL 60634
6. The Arts of Lockpicking II by The Jolly Roger
So you want to be a criminal. Well, if you want to be like James Bond and open a lock in
fifteen seconds, then go to Hollywood, because that is the only place you are ever going to
do it. Even experienced locksmiths can spend five to ten minutes on a lock if they are
unlucky. If you are wanting extremely quick access, look elsewhere. The following
instructions will pertain mostly to the "lock in knob" type lock, since it is the easiest to
First of all, you need a pick set. If you know a locksmith, get him to make you a set. This
will be the best possible set for you to use. If you find a locksmith unwilling to supply a
set, don't give up hope. It is possible to make your own, if you have access to a grinder
(you can use a file, but it takes forever).
The thing you need is an allen wrench set (very small). These should be small enough to fit
into the keyhole slot. Now, bend the long end of the allen wrench at a slight angle (not
90ø). Now, take your pick to a grinder or a file, and smooth the end until it is rounded so it
won't hang inside the lock. Test your tool out on doorknobs at your house to see if it will
slide in and out smoothly. Now, this is where the screwdriver comes in. It must be small
enough for it and your pick to be used in the same lock at the same time, one above the
other. In the coming instructions, please refer to this chart of the interior of a lock:
\ K
| | | | | | / E
| | | | \ Y [|] Upper tumbler pin
^ ^ / H [^] Lower tumbler pin
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ \ O [-] Cylinder wall
/ L (This is a greatly simplified
\ E drawing)
The object is to press the pin up so that the space between the upper pin and the lower pin
is level with the cylinder wall. Now, if you push a pin up, it's tendency is to fall back down,
right? That is where the screwdriver comes in. Insert the screwdriver into the slot and
turn. This tension will keep the "solved" pins from falling back down. Now, work from the
back of the lock to the front, and when you are through, there will be a click, the
screwdriver will turn freely, and the door will open.
Do not get discouraged on your first try! It will probably take you about twenty to thirty
minutes your first time. After that, you will quickly improve with practice.
7. Solidox Bombs by The Jolly Roger
Most people are not aware that a volatile, extremely explosive chemical can be bought over
the counter: Solidox.
Solidox comes in an aluminum can containing 6 grey sticks, and can be bought at K-Mart,
and various hardware supply shops for around $7.00. Solidox is used in welding applications
as an oxidizing agent for the hot flame needed to melt metal. The most active ingredient
in Solidox is potassium chlorate, a filler used in many military applications in the WWII
Since Solidox is literally what the name says: SOLID OXygen, you must have an energy
source for an explosion. The most common and readily available energy source is common
household sugar, or sucrose. In theory, glucose would be the purest energy source, but it is
hard to find a solid supply of glucose.
Making the mixture:
Open the can of Solidox, and remove all 6 sticks. One by one, grind up each of the sticks
(preferably with a mortar and pestle) into the finest powder possible.
The ratio for mixing the sugar with the Solidox is 1:1, so weigh the Solidox