Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set) Read Online Free Page B

Taken: His BFF 2 - Steamy BWWM Romance Collection: Ravished by You/Conquered by You/Avenged by You (Forbidden Fruit: Naughty Seduction Adventures Boxed Set)
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of breaking her down and making her see the possibility of us.
    Crazy, right? Because what will happen if Joey and Lisa break up and I try to date her? Surely he won’t be too happy about that and I end up putting our friendship in jeopardy, right?
    But I can’t think about that right now—can barely think at all with all my blood going straight to my dick.
    Fuck, I need to get laid. I need Lisa beneath or on top of me as soon as possible.
    “Lisa said she’d check her Facebook list or something for you. If she finds a girl, maybe we could all go on a double date or something,” Joey says, snapping me back to reality.
    “Oh yeah?” When the hell did she say that? Before or after I fucked her brains out?
    “Yeah! Or…”
    Joey’s now looking at me in a weird way, and I’m starting to get a strange feeling.
    Then he says, “Now’s probably not a good time,” as a cute waitress comes to us with more drinks.
    He smiles at her and accepts the two glasses—both for him—joyfully.
    He’s the one who drove us here, but he’s pretty much the only one drinking, and I promised to be the DD, which of course makes things worse for my current state—drinking would help me take the edge off, dull my horniness. I’d hoped to drown my sorrows and anxiety, but as soon as we got here, Joey started to drink immediately, and I knew I had no choice but to hold off—he can’t really hold his liquor. I didn’t try to stop him or anything—he clearly needed to indulge for whatever reason. Something has been on his mind, something is bothering him.
    Now, the plan is that I’ll drive us back to my friend’s apartment where he’ll crash, then he’ll drive home in the morning.
    The place won’t be too crowded though—it turned out that I have the apartment to myself for a few days—my friend actually had a family emergency and had to fly out of state. He’s not sure if he’ll be back in three days or seven.
    Joey knows this, and to be honest, he’s been acting weird ever since.
    What the heck’s going on in his head?
    “So,” he says, after finishing his rum and coke, “all that time you guys spend out there together with no chicks, you guys ever…?”
    “Oh, god, no. Not that I know of anyway—none of us who are completely straight.”
    “Come on, now—all those months with only your hand…”
    “Do we want to sink into something nice and warm? Yes. Almost anything. Some guys find a way. But you know what—the longer you go without it, the easier it is to keep going without it. To a point of course. Hence, why I’m nutso when I get back. But if you find one warm spot to end the drought…man, the craving gets worse. But even that to a point, right? I mean, when you’re in a long-term relationship, sometimes it’s easier to take for granted—having it right there and available pretty much twenty-four seven calms you down a bit. Next thing you know, it’s been a week or two without it, even though you’ve got a girlfriend.”
    I’m sort of talking out of my ass here. I have two long-term relationships I’m basing this on, and those were quite a while ago. God knows I’m hoping Joey doesn’t come back with, “Nah, man—I bang Lisa every day, twice a day.”
    I don’t want to hear anything like that, so I quickly change the subject.
    As we drive back to the apartment I get that weird feeling again, but I don’t know what it is.
    “You okay?” I feel compelled to ask, not looking away from the road.
    “Yeah, man,” he says. He is leaning away from me, sort of against the passenger window and I leave him to his internal struggles for now.
    Once we get inside the apartment, I bring a blanket out for him. I figure he can use the couch pillows, especially since there’s a tiny chance he might recognize Lisa’s scent on one of mine.
    I leave him to the couch and head to my bedroom.
    I settle in, wondering if I should rub one out before I go to sleep, when I realize my senses are picking up on
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