me to stay here now. I know you have many questions and there are many answers to be found. I will return when I can. There will be those who will guide you and others who will try to confuse you. Heed my warnings. Trust no one. I am trying to find a way to get you out of there. In the meantime, your amulet will constrict your emotions and help you stay calm and connected. Don’t take it off! My love is always in your heart.”
And with that the silhouette of my Gram faded away. I held on so tight to her every last word and sound of her voice I forgot for a split second where I was—until I became aware of the wave of warmth flushing through my system.
I wasn’t sure if my heart rate just sped up or finally slowed down. I suddenly felt it pulsating in my ears. A steady flow of deep breaths helped clear my lungs and I realized I may not have taken a breath at all while I listened to Gram’s warning.
I didn’t want to draw any unwanted attention so I forced myself not to make any sudden movements. My mind was spinning around so fast; I needed my body to catch up. Nausea and exhaustion were setting in. If my stomach wasn’t so empty, I might have let my body attempt to purge itself from all this chaos. A talk with myself was what I needed.
To start with… What the heck is going on? Am I sleeping or awake? Did my Gram just speak to me? Did I just see a ghost? Am I imagining she was just here speaking to me about this nightmare I’m living? I think I’ll just pretend for a moment that none of that matters. I really just need to sort out what she said instead of how, for now.
I could only assume I was in some way being watched. No one had come to see me, tell me, or show me why I was being retained, so they must have been watching. Although, I wasn’t sure where in that sparse room there could be a camera. Then again, it was so dark in there and I couldn’t see the walls or ceilings. Maybe they were covered with night vision cameras.
Better yet, what the hell was I supposed to be transitioning into? I certainly didn’t feel very powerful. I sure hoped if I did get any powers, they would help me escape this hellhole. I couldn’t see myself, but I thought I looked the same. I couldn’t really say whether I felt the same, as I was locked in a room full of blackness and dark shadows. Perhaps I was having hallucinations or, at best, lucid dreams of my dead grandmother.
This couldn’t be for real. If people in my family had some kind of “abilities,” why wouldn’t my Gram have told me? Gram and I were very close, or so I thought. Who else could have had abilities in our family? Gram said her abilities were limited. Limited to what?
This just made no sense. Maybe I hit my head and I was actually in some kind of coma. This was all some crazy fabricated situation that my brain had made up to deal with the trauma of what happened to me. Quite frankly, I wasn’t even sure what happened to me last, that is, before I woke up to a room full of nothingness. I had no idea how I got there. I suppose the alternative was that I was drugged, which would maybe explain all the hallucinations.
It certainly didn’t help that the only person I had to talk to about any of this was myself. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure who I was anymore. Could any of what my Gram told me be true? Was I something more than I seemed? I thought not! Maybe Kasha was just a bit crazier than I realized.
Now was as good a time as any to try and retrace what I could remember from before I woke up here. Still, it was hard to judge how much time had passed, not that it really had any bearing on what I was doing before being abducted. I think the fact that I had black spots in my memory was more unnerving than the fact that I was abducted and I still didn’t know why.
Clearly, I remembered signing the lease for my little Southwest cottage. I started to move some of my things in from the storage unit. The walls were waiting for paint. I recently went to