Sweet Texas Kiss (Sweet Texas Secrets) Read Online Free

Sweet Texas Kiss (Sweet Texas Secrets)
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became pretty clear.” Never one to wait patiently, Grayson leaned sideways to see the pictures over Gage’s shoulder. Gavin watched his brothers’ faces as they examined the pictures. “You’ll see what I mean in a second.”
    They reminisced and teased each other as pictures of them as babies and kids gave way to more awkward adolescent images. There were pictures of the boys at Guac Olé’s first offices, a few of the kids sitting around the table peeling avocados in the family home’s kitchen, each brother’s prom pictures, graduation pictures, Gavin with the family’s old dog Jasper, a handful of Gage’s football team photos—the usual family memories.
    And then there were the pictures of their father with the mystery woman.
    “Who the hell is this?” Gage demanded, as though his brothers might know something he didn’t. Typical Gage, barreling forward as though he and Gray had some information they were hiding. And, just like Gavin knew he would, Gage flipped the pictures over, finding no writing. Dad hadn’t left them any clues—no name, place, date, nothing.
    “She doesn’t look familiar.” Grayson peered at the picture.
    “She and Dad look awfully cozy, and I think it’s damn strange that we’ve never seen her before.” Gavin paused to let Sally place their food on the table, and shook salt onto his fries. “And that Dad left these pictures for us to find, and not just by chance. It’s pretty obvious that he wanted to make sure we found them. It’s got to mean something, but I have no idea what.”
    “Maybe she’s one of the women in his will? Macy’s the only one I know. Maybe this is Charlotte or Rebecca?” Gage took a big bite of his burger and chewed thoughtfully.
    “It’s not Rebecca. She goes by Becca, and she’s a line supervisor at the plant. Plus, she’s much younger than that woman would be now. Maybe it’s Charlotte.” Grayson shot mustard onto his burger and furrowed his brow.
    Gage took another look at the fresh-faced, happy woman in the picture with their father. “You know, this could be Charlotte, but I don’t think so. I wouldn’t completely rule it out, but this woman would be Dad’s age now. I get the impression that Charlotte is probably middle-aged. And miserable. This lady looks way too pleasant.”
    “Why would he leave the pictures with no names or explanation? Does he want us to figure it out, or did he just forget they were in there?” Grayson stacked the pictures neatly.
    “And these pictures don’t have anything to do with the glasses, the key, or the strawberry. What is going on here?” Gage stabbed a French fry into the ketchup.
    “I have no clue, and honestly, the pictures make it even more confusing,” Gavin said. Between losing his dad, losing the house, and discovering that their father wanted them to play some strange guessing game, he wanted to do little more than go home and see his dog. Merle’s loyalties and affection were never in question. Everything with him was straightforward and easy, as long as he got plenty of food and ear scratches.
    Too many things didn’t make sense anymore in Gavin’s world.

Chapter Two
    Across the bar, Garth Brooks’s voice wound through the air, and peanut shells crunched beneath cowboy boots as the Friday night crowd two-stepped around the dance floor, bathed in flecks of light from the overhead disco ball. Waitresses navigated the swirling bodies with the grace of ballerinas, balancing trays of longnecks and pitchers, stopping at the tall tables to deliver refreshment and big Texas smiles. Sweet Ridge hadn’t changed one bit. Same music, same crowd, same Friday night.
    Not for the first time, Macy Young wished she’d let her attorney handle her strange inheritance, either figuring out a way she could sell the Cooper house or at least renting it out for her. With her talent competition show,
America’s Next Country Star
, on a brief break before the new season started, the distraction was
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