kids who she treats better than her own family. She didn’t even come visit us while we were in California so I don’t know how I expected living with her to be any different. It took my mother dying for her to finally come out there and she acts as if it was an inconvenience.
I would’ve thought that by me being a girl she would’ve tried to comfort me the most but instead she looked at me like I’m the one who killed her. I’m a constant reminder of my father, his mirror image, a reflection of the man who killed her daughter and she hates me for it. I get straight A’s in school, I’m editor of the newspaper, I play sports, I don’t do drugs, yet all of that means nothing because I’m my father’s twin and every time she looks at me she sees him. Is that my fault?
She locks me in this house and treats me as if I’m a prisoner. I can barely walk down the street to the store. Hell, I just got off punishment yesterday for sneaking out of the house to be with CJ. I had to wake up at the crack of fucking dawn and clean the house from top to bottom for two months straight. Wash the dishes, feed her Rugrats, let my dog out, feed him, bleach and sweep the basement, and do any other miscellaneous shit she could come up with. She even had me clean the washer and dryer! Who does that? How the fuck do you clean the washer and dryer?
But like I said; it’s bullshit. And for the record, the pain doesn’t go away. If anything it intensifies. One day you have the perfect family and the next your dad is being carted off to jail while your mother is being buried. That really fucks with your head as a little kid. You never get used to it.
Instead you find a way to deal with it and your method of coping may fuck you up even more. For example, I’ve been telling lies since all this shit happened. I tell my teachers my parents can’t attend my conferences because they’re out of town on business. I tell my friends my mom is overseas with my dad in Italy and me and my brother are staying with my grandmother. I’ve learned how to lie so well I sometimes confuse the stories I tell with my own reality. I know it sounds crazy but it’s easier to live in the world I’ve created in my mind verses the hell I’ve been thrown into. Keeping up this constant façade is hard work, I just want it to be over, and sometimes I just want to die…
“For homework I want you to read chapter 7 starting with Caesar’s decline and be ready to discuss it during class tomorrow.” Mrs. Jefferson put down the chalk and sat back down at her desk.
The shuffle of book bags and pieces of paper filled the room as the students pushed their chairs in and began exiting the classroom.
“Asjiah! A’! Hello…are you in there?” Keyshia grabbed her book bag and walked towards the door.
“Earth to Asjiah.”
“Huh?” I looked up to find most of the kids had already left the classroom.
“Didn’t you hear the bell ring?” Keyshia stood in the doorway flirting with the boys as they walked by. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. I guess I just zoned out for a second.” Adjusting my baby doll dress I got up from the cramped desk.
“What do you write in there anyway?”
I closed my journal and grabbed my books placing my paper on Mrs. Jefferson’s desk before walking out the classroom. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”
“Are you sure you’re okay A’? You seem a little distracted.” “Yeah, I’m just a little tired.”
I wanted to talk to her, to vent and let her know what had been going on but I decided not to. Once people know everything about you they look at you differently, like you have a sticker on your forehead that says “fragile, handle with care” and I don’t need that. I wasn’t in the mood for her pity.
“I’ll get with you later.” I closed my locker and headed towards the gym so I could change for cheer leading practice.
From the moment Cash saw his niece walking up the street he had