Harry Jensen, who knew I was looking for a change and knew you were looking for a pilot," he explained. A smile as slow and genial as his voice stretched across his mouth, and he settled onto the chair she had indicated. "I suppose he thought we could help each other out."
Kate was beginning to believe her prayers must have been heard . . . and, hopefully, answered. But still she was a little suspicious at the coincidental timing. "Harry hasn't mentioned you."
He nodded toward the telephone. "You could call him. He'll vouch for my work record, but you probably shouldn't listen to anything he might say about our college days." A twinkle brightened his sky-blue eyes. "Boys will be boys," he added with no hint of apology for whatever might have occurred. "Harry and I met at the University of Alabama. When we graduated, I got a job in Lake Charles and Harry moved back here. But we've kept in touch."
Kate pulled a form out of the desk's bottom drawer and handed it to him. "Would you please fill out this application? If you brought a résumé, I'd like to look at that, too."
For several minutes the only sounds in the room were the hum of the window air conditioner and the scratch of a pen across the paper as James Russell filled out the form. Kate read through the two-page résumé he had given her, noting the man's rather impressive qualifications. However, instead of becoming excited about them, Kate began to feel depressed. Why would a man with his experience take a job with C-Breeze? Her small company could never offer the benefits or the salary he had been earning from his last employer.
If even half the information he had detailed on his résumé was accurate, he would easily be able to handle what would be required of him at C-Breeze. He had flight time in dozens of different types of helicopters and had worked for several transport services and even directly for some oil companies, as well as other related businesses. His only flaw seemed to be his inability or unwillingness to stay with one company for any length of time.
Lifting her gaze to his, she saw he had completed his form and was watching her. "Pretty impressive references," she commented. "But you don't seem to stay in one place very long."
"I enjoy traveling, waking up to a different sunrise each morning and seeing a different sunset each night." he explained. "My parents grew up next door to each other and went steady from the time they were old enough to walk. They married right out of high school and have lived in the same house for the past thirty-five years. It works for them, but I want to move around a little, experience life in every state before I decide where to settle."
"How long do you plan on staying in this area?"
"I don't know. It depends on what kind of job I get. I've been spending a lot of time in Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. I thought I'd see if Texas was as great a place as Harry is always telling me."
Kate glanced over his application. "No wife, no kids, no ties?"
"None to speak of."
In a sleepy little town like Lake Jackson, a young bachelor would be bored to death. She tapped her pencil against the desk as she asked, "If I were to hire you, what sort of guarantee would I have that you'd show up for work regularly?"
His face sobered and he straightened in the chair. "I've never missed a day of work in my life. You can check with any company I've ever worked for." He leveled a steady look at her, piercing her with a gaze so powerful that she leaned back in her chair. "I may not stay at one company long enough to get a gold watch, but I wouldn't just sneak out in the dark of the night. If I decide to move on, I'll give you a month's notice. If you hire me, you can count on me to get the job done."
Something in his tone convinced her. She liked this man's strong, friendly personality and even his almost cocky self-confidence. In some men it could have been annoying, but in James Russell, it was comforting. Kate felt her tensed