this whole drug thing work?”
“I don’t know all the ins and outs. Like I told you, I’m not a member of the club. But I gather they have someone on the inside of the cartel that feeds them information. They catch the mules, destroy the drugs, and the cars are either dismantled for parts, or given to one of the ranchers that supports them for use on the ranch.”
“The ranchers support them?”
“Oh yeah! The mules were killing cattle and tearing up their graze. When Lima 6 started having success in town, Charles Vanderford got the rest of the ranchers together and they started… helping… with money and vehicles. Now Lima 6 has created a bubble around Vallecito, and most of the surrounding ranch land, and the mules know to avoid it. I think doing otherwise is dangerous to their health.”
“And you’re okay with this? Allowing them to police the town?”
“Well, first off, they don’t ‘police’ the town. They aren’t the law, and they don’t try to be. If you have a burglary, or domestic dispute, or even a small time drug deal, Lima 6 doesn’t get involved. They have made that very clear. Not long after they started pushing the drug traffic out of town, people started calling them on some of those kind of things, and their answer was always the same. ‘Call the police.’ They only worry about the drug traffic coming up from Mexico—and to some extent, illegals—because they sometimes get caught in the net.”
“What happens to them… the illegals?”
“The illegals get tossed back across the border. The Coyotes… I don’t think they get that option.”
“For someone not involved in the club, you seem to know an awful lot about what goes on. Is that because of Leo?”
“No. That is because they hang out here sometimes. Before Leo arrived, people used to tell me things they wanted Lima 6 to know, and I would pass it along. Then Lima 6 would tell me things they needed the town to know, and I would pass that along. It worked.”
“And since Leo?”
“Leo… he’s really changed their image. People aren’t so afraid of Lima 6 now. If they want Lima 6 to know something, they just call Leo directly.”
Will scratched at the side of his nose. “Why is it they come across as totally the good guys?”
“Because they are the good guys. You remember how it was. The police couldn’t stop the trafficking and the town was dying. Now look at the place. We’re like Mayberry now. Instead of people moving out, people are moving in. What they did, do, isn’t pretty, but it worked… and it had to be done. ”
“The killing of the mules and Coyotes… that still bothers me.”
“I don’t know that they do kill them. I think they do, but I don’t know that they do. Leo told me once their job is to ‘be more trouble than we’re worth... and to make the cartel’s recruiting drives a real pain in their ass.’”
Will snickered just as the door opened with their first customer of the day. “I’m liking this Leo guy more all the time.”
Ron, Fitz and TC came into He’s Not Here and flopped down in booth. Leo came in with them, but went directly to the bar. He was tired, hungry, and in the mood for a beer, a burger, and a smooch from Jamie, and not necessarily in that order. He had gone home after being on the busy end of a shovel all day and gotten cleaned up, but he was looking forward to his reward for a hard day’s work.
“I see you found something a lot easier and cooler than planting bushes,” Leo teased.
“We’ll see how long it lasts when I start breaking her glassware,” Will answered with a grin.
“Speaking of glassware, how about a Hefeweizen .” Leo pointed when Will hesitated.
“Sorry. Still learning my way around back here.”
“No problem. Is Jamie here?”
“In the office.”
“Thanks,” Leo said as he moved toward Jamie’s office. “Hey,” he