Director of Financial Services
I couldn’t even believe what I was reading. How was this even possible? How could they revoke my financial aid? Even if I somehow found a way to come up with the money my uncle had taken from me, what’s to say there would still be a spot for me when I applied to Stanford again? Tears filled my eyes as I saw my dreams going down the drain. How was I ever going to find a way to get the money I needed within ten days?
Mark walked up to me. He looked concerned. “Is everything OK?” he asked.
“Not really. I just need to get to my seat,” I said, turning away from him. I hoped he hadn’t noticed the tears in my eyes. I was relieved the gate agent called my boarding group.
As soon as I got situated, I pulled out my headphones hoping some music would distract me. My dream was becoming a nightmare. How could this day get any worse?
My phone dinged that another new email message had come through. Reluctantly, I picked it up to see who the message was from. It was from the committee that had awarded me my scholarship.
Subject: Your Scholarship
Dear Ms. Pahlavi,
Regretfully, we must inform you that we
cannot award a scholarship to you this
year. We wish you best of luck in your
future endeavors.
Best regards,
Marcella Ravenswood
Scholarship Committee Chair
This couldn’t really be happening. I picked up my phone and texted my uncle:
What are you doing to me?
I stared at the phone waiting for a response. I knew he probably wouldn’t reply, but I was just so angry, that I didn’t know what else to do.
The flight attendant came up to me and asked me to turn off my cell phone so we could prepare for take-off. I put my phone back in my purse and shut my eyes, praying this was just a really bad dream that I would eventually wake up from. The engines roared as the plane took off, but I didn’t even look out the window to see the New York skyline getting further and further away.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a voice:
“Excuse me for bothering you. Would you mind trading seats with me so that I can sit with my friend here?” It was Mark talking to the guy next to me. “I’m seated up in first class. You’re welcome to have my seat there if I can sit here.”
I silently begged, Please don’t let him sit next to me.
The guy who had been sitting there didn’t hesitate to make the trade. Pulling his carry-on from the overhead compartment, he said thank you to Mark.
I looked up at Mark. “What are you doing?”
“You seemed upset. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine. Everything is just fine. Now please go back to your seat and leave me alone.” I looked out the window to avoid his gaze.
“Well, considering I just gave mine up, it would appear this is my seat, so I’ll just sit down.” He made himself comfortable and adjusted his seat belt. I feared this was going to be a long flight.
“Suit yourself. As long as you leave me alone for the next five and a half hours.” I closed my eyes like I was going to sleep, praying that he would take a hint.
“Don’t they bring any beverages back here?” Mark said, raising his arm to press the call flight attendant button. Clearly, he was used to flying first-class. It takes time for the flight attendants to begin beverage service. I ignored his comment about it taking a while for them to come.
When she got there, he asked for a Bloody Mary. Looking over at me, he asked, “What would you like?”
Rolling my eyes, I said, “Hemlock. Do you happen to have any of that?”
“Please bring us both Bloody Marys,” he said to the flight attendant. He looked at me and said, “Oh, it can’t be that bad. Why don’t you have a drink with me and tell me about all your troubles.”
“My life is falling apart right now. That is all.” I pretended to be looking for something in my purse so he would leave me alone.
“What do you mean?”
I’d probably never see this guy again,