stared at the bag that I had set down next to
“Well, you know the first part. The rest of it, though…” I started
tapping my fingers on the arm rest. “You see this bag?”
I looked down at the bag and Jackson nodded.
“Well… the killer told me that in order to keep that girl safe I
have to-” Wait! Was this smart? What
about the little girl? What if Ralph found out and killed the girl?
But I can’t lie… That goes against what I do! I need to tell
him. “What? You have to what?”
Jackson leaned forward onto his desk.
“He wants me to… set a bomb in the church.” I glanced at Jackson,
who had the most surprised face I’ve ever seen.
“What?” he exclaimed. He sat up from his chair and started pacing
around the room.
“Is that the bomb?” He pointed at the bag at my feet. I slowly
nodded my head.
Jackson ran his fingers through his hair and leaned on the wall. I
could just see all the thoughts running through his mind at the
“He said he’d be watching me when I set the bomb. But I think that
if you come with me, but not obviously, then I could go in the
church and warn anyone in there. Then you and your men could search
around and see if you could find him.” I sat up from the chair,
tapping my teeth together nervously.
“What if he’s in the church?”
“Then I don’t warn anyone. I take the bag, but not the bomb. I can
leave the bomb here and a bomb squad could try and disarm it. I
fill the bag with something that resembles a bomb, and then walk
into the basement of the church like I was going to plant
Jackson sighed and started pacing around the room again.
“It’s crazy but… seems to be the most logical thing. Here, open the
bag up.” Jackson walked over and knelt down next to the bag. I
unzipped it and we both gasped.
The bomb had wires coming from one end of it to the other. It had a
timer the blinked with every second. The timer said that the bomb
had a good twenty-two hours until it blew.
“Holly…” Jackson couldn’t finish his sentence. He was too shocked.
I knelt down, looking into the bag.
“Get a bomb squad over here. But tell them not to be noticeable. No
siren or anything. Just drive here.” Jackson nodded and walked out
of the room. I heard him pick up the phone at the front desk.
Sounding really panicked, he ordered a bomb squad to come to the
station immediately. He told them what I had said, be normal.
I watched the timer tick down with every second. The red numbers
intimidated me, ticking down and down, laughing at me.
Jackson had walked back in. I could see sweat reflecting the light
off of his skin. His eyes were filed with worry. I could just see
his heart beating through his chest.
“Eli,” he said, reaching into desk door. I looked over at him,
breaking contact with the bomb. Jackson tossed over a square, grey
object to me. I caught it and looked at it. It was my phone.
“I found the source where the call was from. So if we don’t find
the creep at the church, we know where he will be.” Jackson
smirked, and I smirked back. “Oh, and we found Rick in the ally of
the bar. What was that about?”
“Long story. Tell you later.”
Jackson nodded his head and pointed at the bomb.
“Carefully pick that up and set it on my desk. I already told the
bomb squad where it’d be and where we would be.” I sighed and
slowly picked the bomb up. It was a lot lighter than I
I carefully set it down on the desk and backed away from it,
watching it. Jackson grabbed a few books from his bookshelf and
tossed them into the bag. It was to symbolize that something was in
there, so Ralph would think the bomb was.
“Well,” Jackson sighed, “I guess there isn’t much to do but go to
the church.” He slipped on his uniform and took his gun from under
his desk.
“Let’s go catch us a criminal.”
Spoken like a true cop.
The church towered up into
the sky, the tip forming into a spherical figure. Sunlight
reflected off of its metal surface,