hear is this static buzz. Maybe it’s the white noise, or they are trying to jam the frequency, or modulate the sound, because I hear a low, gravelly voice saying something. I can’t understand it, because it doesn’t sound as though it is English.
I listened back a few times trying to accurately define what I’m hearing. But it’s hard. I can’t really make out what this voice is saying. I’ll break it up into segments where the voice pauses and write it down. After repeated attempts, this is the closest I got. At least what I feel is correct.
“Ego Animo Habitant Quemadmodum Habitarunt Hoc Recording.”
I have no idea what that means. If I break it up, maybe it will makes sense.
Ego Animo Habitant.
Maybe that’s something about an animal, habitat? An animal’s house. A living animal, maybe?
That sounds weird, but that’s what I think it says. I keep listening, and it’s fast and sharp, the way he says it. Quemadmodum. Quemadmodum. What is that? Que means “what” in Spanish. Maybe it’s what? A modem? A mad modem? A listening device? I don’t know.
Habitarunt Hoc Recording.
The house for recording? An animal lives in this house or recording. Is that, right? Could that be right? An animal in this recording. Is that a clue to something?
Maybe it’s some software that garbles the frequency or pitch shifts, creating this effect. I don’t know. It’s weird, but I feel that voice is trying to tell me something.
I need Google translate, because the more I listen the more this voice becomes distinct, almost piercing to me. I feel it deep in my chest when I hear it. It’s warning me or trying to communicate a vital message.
Ego Animo Habitant Quemadmodum Habitarunt Hoc Recording”
Right after it finishes speaking that message the audio track from my conversation with Haworth and Billings returns clearly. I hear my own voice cracking with emotion.
“I got him to the ground and kept kicking him. Hard. Really hard. In the head, chest, face, balls. Blood was bouncing out of him with every shot.”
I was talking about a fight I had in college in the woods behind campus. I remember now before that frequency jam, we talked about the evil within us that allows us to do things that bypass the filters of our reasoning.
Dr. Haworth wanted to know the worst things I’ve done and what I am talking about now is part of this conversation.
I see myself clearly now and I remember as I listen. It was this unconscious recollection that surfaced and seemed to push through me as I spoke. After seeing that picture of my ex, I wanted to rip Haworth’s head off his shoulders for prying into my personal life, so I stopped looking at him and focused on that statue on his desk of the leopard attacking the man. I could see myself like that animal, ruthless and without conscience destroying my victim. It all seemed to pour out of me as I recalled this long forgotten attack.
Listening again, I feel that swell of adrenaline pulsate with unrestrained violence, which accompanied my words to Haworth and Billings.
“Then I kicked again watching his face pop beneath the jaw. Then I went for the ribs. Not letting anything up as I felt my feet cracking through him. The breath burst out of him. I didn’t care if he died, but I just stopped. I stopped! I stopped and watched him struggle to get air.”
“What stopped you Eddie?” Billings inquired.
“I don’t know…I just He He… stopped defending himself and his mouth was twisted wide open. The blood pooled up around his head soaking into my shoes. And I thought… I thought maybe the cops would come, and I just… I.. Needed to leave.”
“Do you regret almost killing another human?” Haworth asked.
“Not then, no!” I told him bluntly.
That set something off in Reverend Billings. He got up and walked over to me stating, “Do you understand that this type of behavior may be the result of a demon working though you.”