I he had some formidable support; even Winston Churchill initially, but Churchill soon changed his mind when he realized the King had strong allegiances to Hitler and that his ultimate plan was to help Hitler rule Britain. But, at the eleventh hour Edward got cold feet and decided that as much as this might be his destiny, he wasn’t sure that splitting the country in two was really the way that he wanted to be remembered. Yes, we can say it; he didn’t have the balls, thankfully. If we can think back to a former civil war, this King lost his heart but kept his head.
He abdicated, left the country, married Wallis in France and became a deserter in the British army when the war started. He went on the run in Europe and stayed in the houses of wealthy Nazis, until Churchill caught up with him and sent him to the Bahamas for the remainder of the war, while they closely monitored his phone calls to Germany and used him to give them false information.
In the book, ‘War of The Windsors’, authors Picknett, Prince and Prior believe that Mrs. Simpson, a twice divorced American, was the perfect scapegoat for the then British Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, to rid himself and England of a troublesome King who was far too interested in politics and saw his role not as a titular figurehead of Monarchy but as a man who intended to rule his country, as a ’mild dictator’ - whatever that means. Think ‘sweet’ Tyrant, or possibly ’kind’ Despot, basically – big bunch of bullshit! He sought to create a regime following the lines of a Mussolini or a Hitler.
After his abdication, he travelled to Germany to meet with Himmler, Goering and Hitler himself. He was seen giving a rather ‘wobbly’ one arm salute and the Fuehrer remarked that “She [Mrs. Simpson] would have made a great Queen!” That’s one endorsement you don’t want on the front page of ‘The Times’.
This was 1936 and at that time it was Russia that was seen as the real ‘Red’ menace, so anyone offering an alternative was considered ‘reasonable’. In 1936, Hitler never even considered going to war with Britain; it was never part of his ‘master plan’. There were many secret meetings with dignitaries from the Royal household: Hitler felt he would take England without a shot.
The dictator, Mussolini would control Italy. Franco would control Spain. And, Hitler would occupy France and live in Paris. While the sweet, mild cuddly, little fuzzy Ol’ Dictator Teddy Eddy would rule England with his sweet little wife and all her jewelry. We can laugh out loud at the thought of it all happening, but that man was the King, and he almost brought England to the brink of destruction. As King George V put it “we reign, not rule” and we are certainly not a ‘mild dictator’; ‘sweet’ Tyrant; ‘kind and caring’’ despotic megalomaniac!
A popular Monarch is one who is respectful of the power of parliament and the people. Queen Elizabeth II obviously has political opinions and views but she has been on the throne for 60 years and her country is unaware of any of them, she is a politically neutral Sovereign as laid down in the constitution.
Not so Chucky, the dissident Prince. According to a former Royal advisor, Mark Boland, Chucky sees his role as ‘opposing government policies’. He bombards ministers with letters and missives on matters of government. Chuckey’s numerous notes are known in government circles as ‘Black spider memos’ because they are all handwritten with big exclamation marks and underlined words! Maybe ‘Black Spider memos’ need to go down a ‘Black spider-hole?’
Ministers consider him insane , a loon and a time waster (we knew that, we just look at his new Bride) .
It has been suggested that if he wants to have opinions about politics then he is welcome to abdicate and become a regular citizen, man of the people, and then he can do what he