your date, however, there are other facets to attraction than physical attraction. You might be attracted to your date's wit, charm, manners, humor or compassion. Similarly, you may be attracted to the way your date talks to people, how he or she treats strangers, if he or she likes animals or how he or she views life. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and it is not always physical beauty or attraction.
I once dated a man who was so good-looking, that women would literally stare at him when he walked past. Although he was nice, he was rather "full of himself." I was able to look past that, but what I couldn't look past was his misuse of a certain phrase. Now I know what you're thinking, and it's probably true. I was being too picky.
Here's what happened, so you can decide for yourself if I was being overly picky. Instead of saying "by the way," he would say "by any chance." For example, we were walking in a park one day, and he wanted to show me where he plays softball. Instead of saying, "by the way, there's where I play softball," he said, "by any chance, there's where I play softball."
I though this was a one time fluke, so I overlooked it. Soon after, while driving past the hospital where he was born, he said "by any chance, I was born there." I'm not sure why he got the phrases "by the way" and "by any chance" mixed up, but it happened so often, I could not longer stand it. I decided to end the relationship, and looking back, there were other things about him that I didn't like, so it was just as well.
I did feel a tinge of remorse when I learned that he married one of my high school classmates, who was actually one of the most popular girls in my class. If I could do it all over again, would I have stayed with him? Maybe. My mother often asks: "I wonder what happened to "By Any Chance," referring to my old flame, and after I told her that he went on to marry one of the most popular girls in my high school, she replied, "See, it didn't matter to her that he got his phrases mixed up!"
One of my friends was given a good piece of dating advice that I often share with the picky daters that I know. Try to get a glimpse of how your date interacts in his or her own element. When you see your date involved in his or her work environment, family situations, or out with their own friends, it can put a different spin on how you feel about them.
You may not have "clicked" with the person while you were out on a date, but if you stick around long enough and give it a chance, you just might see something that you like about the person in the way he or she interacts in other "non-dating" situations. This is why it's sometimes beneficial to meet your future partner in the workplace. There, you have the benefit of seeing the person outside of the dating scene, and out in the real world, making a living and interacting with other people. Also, there's less pressure of a first date, and the whole "getting to know you" time period.
It seems like as people get older, they become less picky. When people see others in their age group getting married and settling down, they may want to do the same. On the other hand, age may increase pickiness, because as we get older, we become more set in our ways and less likely to compromise on what we're looking for in a mate.
Becoming less picky in the early stages of the dating game may actually be detrimental to a new relationship. If we settle for someone who does not meet our qualifications for whatever reason, as the relationship progresses, resentment may set in and cause bitter feelings to emerge.
There does seem to be a fine line between having your own set of standards and simply being too picky. For example, if you are the collegiate type and thrive on intellectual stimulation and deep conversation, it's perfectly fine to cross off those who don't feel the same way from your potential date list.
Conversely, you may want to take a chance on someone who although being appreciative of