myself. Understand?"
Jia-li nodded, trying to impose a sense of control she did not feel.
"Okay, so here's the deal. My colleagues and I will take care of business, then we'll be on our way. As for you and your boyfriend, say one word to anyone and I promise I will hunt you down, I will put your arms where your legs are, and only then will I kill you. You got that?"
Jia-li was numb, trembling so hard she could barely speak. "Yes, yes," she stammered. "Take whatever you want and leave us alone."
"That's more like it," Madman said, his eyes firmly planted on her bare breasts. "Damn, you really are a gorgeous piece of meat. But then, you already know that, don't you? Your kind always does."
A long silence.
Footsteps broke the spell.
The other pirates climbed the ladder to the Skye Deck, loaded down with the bounty they'd lifted from below. Madman looked over the loot—a Movado watch, pearl earrings, two MacBooks, Czech crystal vase, a bundle of cash, and assorted other goodies. "Respectable haul," he said.
Whitey nodded. She then knelt down on one knee taking Jia-li's left hand in hers. "Yeah, but this, boys, this is the mother lode. What's it worth, sweetheart, two hundred grand? Three?"
Jia-li said nothing, tried to pull away, but her wrists were too tightly bound.
Whitey smiled a mischievous smile, then yanked off the engagement ring, a 5-carat Blue Nile stunner in a platinum setting. She stood up, handed it to Madman.
He examined the diamond with an experienced eye. "Well, well, your boyfriend's got good taste, I'll say that much for him."
Madman's next words were drowned out by an earsplitting crack of thunder.
Jia-li glanced up at the turbulent sky, now a cloudy mess of mustard yellow.
It was the birth of a storm. A big one!
"Okay, let's get the hell out of here," Madman barked.
The pirates moved to the ladder and began descending to the main deck, Whitey leading the way. Jia-li felt an overwhelming sense of relief... but it lasted only a fleeting moment. Mohawk hesitated at the top step, stopped, and slowly turned around. "Not so fast," he shouted, his eyes flying up and down her body. "I know this broad. She's on TV. One of them Seattle stations."
It was like getting punched in the gut. "Jason," Jia-li mumbled out of the side of her mouth. "Please come to. Please. Please!" Jason's eyes fluttered a few times, but remained closed.
The other thugs scrambled back up to the Skye Deck, gathered in a semicircle around Jai-li.
"Shit!" Madman screamed. "Are you sure?"
"Damn right, I'm sure. It's been bugging me ever since I laid eyes on her. News at Eleven, ain't that right, anchor lady?" He leaned down, groped Jai-li's breasts.
Shivering with rage, she lashed out with her right foot, landing a crushing blow to Mohawk's groin. He doubled over in pain. "Why, you little bitch, I'll—"
Whitey lurched forward, grabbed Mohawk by the scruff of the neck. "Get up, you moron," she screamed, pulling hard on his collar. He staggered backwards, squawking like an angry crow, arms wind-milling to keep his balance. "How the hell did we miss it?" she shouted. "The goddamn name is a dead giveaway— Lois fucking Lane ."
"Hell if I know," Madman said, a look of cold detachment in his eyes. "But it's really not a problem." Holding the ring in his left hand, he pointed his right index finger at Jia-li's temple like he was holding a gun. Then he pulled an imaginary trigger. "Bling bling, bang bang!" he grumbled, turning to Scarface. "Tank, take care of Clark Kent over here and make it quick."
Jia-li felt a chill rush through her body.
Dropping a name, even a street name, could mean only one thing: certain death.
"No!" she screamed. "We won't say a thing. I swear. Please don't..."
Tank/Scarface ignored her pleas. He pulled a Ruger pistol from the lightweight holster strapped to his belt, worked the slide, and jacked a bullet into the cylinder. The clip held 15-rounds, far more ammunition than this job would require. He then