on the ground beside her.
Damn . He wiped at his eyes so he could mak e sense of what he was seeing.
A baby ? What the hell was he going to do with a baby?
He was a fool for a woman in trouble and toss a bab y into the mixture and he might as well h and over all of his worldly possessions .
Not wanting to frighten the sleeping trespasser, he slowed his pace, circling around until he was within a few feet of their resting spot. The chil d looked as if it had finished its reprieve and was attempting with all its might to make its needs known to the entire county. The baby’s face mottl ed red in frustration. T he piercing cries enough to bring even the toughest man to his knees, but somehow did n’ t even faze the sleeping girl.
Parker hesitated for only the briefest of moments before he moved slowly towards the mewling bundle, crouching down to lift the baby to his shoulder. He felt clumsy and overly large with the tiny body nestled against his chest. He k new next to nothing of babies.
“Wh at has you so upset, little one?” he asked calmly, even though he knew no answer would be forthcoming. N ot want ing to distress the baby more. H e gazed down at the red-faced infant in his arms, then ran his hand over the infa nts back, pulling back with a grimace when he encountered the baby’s soggy bottom. “Ah, I see now what has you flying up in the boughs, little one.” He held the infant away from his shoulder , only then noticing the dark stain on hi s jacket. He g rinned at the wide green eyes that stared back at him , a s tring of drool dangling from its toothless smile . “I would be surly as well if I were forced to endure this uncomfortable condition for too long.” He looked into the baby’s big gree n eyes with a furrowed brow . “We must remedy this situation immediately.”
He looked around , his gaze land ing on the small satchel that lay at the sleeping girl’s feet. He kept the baby far fro m his body , watching as its mouth widened into a toothless grin. “Well, it appears you are in good spirits, little one. ” He lifted his brow , letting out a deep swoosh of air . “ Soaked, but in good spirits.” To Parker’s amusement, the infant let out a sweet coo, as if in agreement. “Forgive me, I don’t know if I will make a bigger mess, but I’m willing to give it a go.” Dear Lord, help me. He raised his pleading eyes to the sky as if se arching for some kind of sign.
Parke r leaned forward and reached across the girls’ still sleeping body to rifle through the satchel on the ground near her feet when his forearm accidently brushed against her skirt setting off a maelstrom .
Cheeks pink from sleep, alarm flashed in her tired green eyes as they flew open . A s plit second later, she jumped up from where she lay nearly knocking him on his backside . I nching backwards until a couple of feet separated them. He caught her completely off guard, unprepared. A mistake she could little afford.
Her breath escaped in soft pants as s he brandished a lethal looking knife, her frown grew fierce, but her voice quivered whe n she spoke , “Return my baby to me this ins tant or I will be forced to-to— harm you.” She flushed and stammered a little as a ll the blood left her face and she swayed dizzily . Why of all days did she choose to forgo eating? She closed her eyelids briefly battling , the all-consuming weariness that pursued her relentlessly . Not now. She needed to be strong. She drew in a deep breath, afraid and yet determined to survive at least for Tillie’s sake. She was fragile. Helpless without her.
Parker ’s eyes narrowed as she swayed. “Miss,” he inquired , reaching out to her. She flinched. “My God, I won’t harm you.”
Granville stroked his latest plaything’s artfully arranged golden curls . He really didn’t like the word slave . It had so many negative connotations, but he