Purdy’s so he could own me. And when he thought he was going to lose me, he literally threatened me in front of everybody. Hell, he even pushed me Penny. He pushed me against a wall in front of the whole Union bar.”
Penny looked at me and started to weigh her words. “Yeah… I did hear a little about that. I heard how you stormed into the bar looking for a big drama with Brandon. I heard you had Cody Barnes with you too. Now, don’t get me wrong. Cody is a nice guy, but Brandon, Brandon is on another level. His six pack has six packs. And you know he is going to be famous, Ash? And he has eyes that melt ovaries at sixty paces. Come on! What more do you want from life, Ashley? One minute you’ve got all the debt in the world, and Dean Mayhew wanted you gone, the next you’re smooching with the number one stud in South London. Most girls - correction - all girls would cut their right arm off to have what you have now.”
“Then all girls need their heads checked. Brandon looks good. He’s a heartbreaker, I get that. He almost broke my heart. I think he wanted to. But I’m not ever going to let him do that to me, Penny. Not ever. Did your sources tell you what happened in Convent Garden? At the reading?”
Her eyes widened with excitement. I knew she hadn’t heard.
“He got wrecked before his reading, so when it was his turn to read, he was dire. I mean in was em-bar-assing . Then he went off. I could tell he didn’t want to see me, so I guessed he was sulking. I gave him half an hour to get his head together, then when I found him in his green room, he was getting his cock sucked by some topless bimbo with pillar-box red hair.”
“No way!”
“Yes way.”
“What did you do?”
“What do you think I did? I went crazy at him, and he begged for forgiveness. Over and over.”
“Yep, that sounds like a man for you. But at least he begged.”
“And what? You think that’s okay? Would you take him back?”
Penny shrugged. “Think about it. Brandon must face temptation wherever he goes. It’s going to happen at some point, Ashley.”
“No, Penny. It’s never going to happen to me again.” Clearly, there was no value in telling her about Amanda. And with Penny’s Gossip-ometer going into overdrive, I didn’t want do any more damage to Amanda. She was in a bad enough state as it was.
I sat and thought for a moment, and sipped my flat white. I looked at Penny and she looked at me.
What I said next was pretty difficult because I had to say it without a trace of sarcasm. Penny was in Brandon’s camp. Therefore she was not in mine, and now I knew she never would be. “Thanks. Thanks for listening.”
“That’s okay,” she smiled. “Any time.”
I let Penny change the subject onto the current student gossip about who was screwing who, knowing she had said my name in conversations like this to a great many people. I smiled but I wasn’t listening. I needed Cody more than ever, but it didn’t seem he was ever going to call me again. I was lonely as hell, and I still needed to leave Brandon. I had no allies. Stuck with his lies and under his threats, it didn’t look like it was going to be easy. But there was no way I could stay with him, even without any support I had to leave him. My self-respect was the last thing I had left, and I wasn’t going to surrender it …
In spite of my plan to keep Brandon suspicion free, I couldn’t stay with him anymore. I just couldn’t do it. By now I had around a suitcase of stuff at Brandon’s flat, and I decided to take most of it with me. I left the suitcase of course, and a few knick-knacks that I wouldn’t miss and crammed most of my stuff into a giant handbag I didn’t often use and the rest went into my college bag. I decided to go back to my own flat-share, a small but comfortable place I hadn’t seen in weeks. After that I would go and study at the library. Maybe I’d even catch Cody unawares so I could buy him a