That person no longer exists. Nothere, not there, not anywhere. You too will hastily inscribe ‘Addressee Unknown’ and you too will go about your busy life, without more than passing thought of what once was.
Born as Romany Rivers
Now I am,
And I feel there is no light in my life
But that which was there in the beginning
And will be there at the end
The Goddess guides us all
To walk her path
And this day I felt that I have long ago
Placed my feet upon her path
And yet have only walked it in my dreams
I have pledged myself to thee
Mother of all, and to you the Hunter,
The consort of love and laughter
And safe in this knowledge of re-awakening –
I am born all over again.
Universal Self
I have so much to achieve
For you, for them, for me
I feel old, young and ageless
But time keeps me running out
I move faster than the speed of light
So that I can be there and here
All at the same time
I think there must be more than one of me
I catch myself all the time
Looking the same but different somehow
And I surprise myself
Maybe that is why you all look so surprised
When occasionally
I am not to be found anywhere
Dear John
There was a man once
Who held me in his arms
Who touched me deep inside
Who smothered me in his insecurities
I held him in my heart
I felt him in my mind
I took him into me
Without him knowing
Who I was
Who I am
Who I will be
He made me feel at home
He made me want to run away
I stayed bound to his smile
Tied into his unnecessary jealousies
He felt without reason
Pulled me close without seeing
Touched without believing
I felt with intention
Pulled him close with understanding
Touched him with analysis
Knowing that
Every minute I embraced
His strangeness
His freshness
His anger
His laughter
I was creating a memory
That would ease my loneliness
In times to come
Fat Happy Pre-packaged Dreams
The paper bag danced with the breeze
Teasing taunting titillating
I heard someone say a curse for the mess of today
I left it to dance for minutes
Before I put it away
To rot within our mothers belly
A waste product of a mentality
Born when we stopped feeling hungry
I Pray
I walk the woodland paths
And know
I’ll never be alone
I hear the whispering leaves
The subtle way they call me home
I feel the touch of earth
The ways its roots, they pull me in
Connects the universe
Forever in eternal spin
I pray that Mother Earth will turn each day
I hear the storm arrive
The whistling wind, it whips on by
It makes me feel alive
It gives me wings
It makes me fly
I hear the whispered words
Rushing past upon the breeze
A sense of wisdom heard
That lifts me up and sets me free
I pray the winds, they will forever change
And I will not take for granted
That which is there for me
No, I will not take for granted….
Look into the blackened glass
See the images of time gone past
Watch the sorrow, feel the pain
Hear the laughter amidst the rain
From this past we must learn
For it relives now as the wheel turns
What was once will be again
Time gone the time has come
We must accept all our fears
What was done will not be undone
Our future is held loosely
By the hands of our young
They cannot see beyond our words
Tales of life woven and spun
I can see images of the future
Within the darkness before me
But they appear older than the lives
Of those that spawned me
What have we done?
What will we do?
The images fade without answers
It is up to me and you.
The cards slip through my hands
I drift into the world of unreality
Of possibilities
But never inevitabilities
Sleep Deep
We welcome you and say farewell little one,
All within the same breath
We hold you in our hearts dear one,
Sense the presence you have left
For your journey with us was swift and brief
But your influence as long as memories
We hold each other within our grief
But understand it was not to be
No sounds of footsteps