Did you see Kevin Renner today?”
“No, but I know what you're talking about.”
“He was totally wasted. Someone said he'd been sipping straight vodka from his water bottle all day. He actually passed out in my lit class.”
“That's so sad.”
“Mrs. Kimball thought he was having a
little nap,”
says Olivia.
“Teachers can be so oblivious.”
“Maybe it's a survival skill.”
“I know alcohol's a problem, but I've been wondering how many kids at our school do serious drugs as well.”
“Well, obviously you've always got your losers doing drugs.But those numbers can't be nearly as high as for those who drink. Do you think?”
I get sort of quiet now, thinking about my brother and how some people probably consider him a loser, and that makes'me sad. I think he just got mixed up, and I'm sure he's going to be past that now.
“Oh, I'm sorry,” Olivia says suddenly. “I just realized that you're probably thinking about Zach. I wasn't trying to say that he's a loser, Sam. He's not. Really. Zach is cool.”
“It's okay. I happen to agree that doing drugs can turn anyone into a loser. But I also know that some people who are just regular, nice people—like Zach—get caught up in drugs. They were never losers before. They just got messed up, you know?”
“I know.”
“I've been thinking about Jack McAllister, trying to remember what he was like in middle school. Before he got into drugs. Wasn't he pretty quiet back then?”
“Yeah. He was pretty shy too. Nothing like the loudmouth he is now.”
“He really changed.”
Olivia frowns. “So you think he's into drugs?”
“Don't you?”
“I guess…”
“Garrett and I were talking about that whole thing. He helped me realize it's probably true. I mean, he's right. All the signs are there. What else could it be?”
Olivia sighs loudly. “Man, if you're right…well, it makes it even harder for me, being in a band where I'm pretty sure someone's using. Maybe I should just quit right now, Sam.”
“Or just pray about it. Remember how Jesus hung with a whole lot of sinners and how the Pharisees were always ragging Him about it? But Jesus told them that those were the kind of people He came to help. He said it was the sick who needed a doctor. So you can't just give up on someone like Jack McAllister.”
“But it's not like I'm going to go out back and smoke dope with him either.”
“Duh.” I laugh as I imagine sweet Olivia out in some back alley smoking crack with Jack McAllister. Talk about your impossible scenario.
“Sometimes it feels like a tightrope walk, huh?”
I nod. “Guess those are the times we need to be sure we're holding on to God's hand.”
She smiles. “You got that right.”
We agree to be praying about the outcome of this evening, and I feel particularly drawn to pray for Jack and Garrett. I just have a strong feeling that God is at work in both of their lives. Okay, I'll admit that you can't really tell by looking at either of them, but God does work in some mysterious ways.
I'm absently flipping through the channels in the family room when I notice my mom coming downstairs with her denim jacket slung over one arm. Her makeup looks fresh, and she has on her “cool” jeans, a new top, and some dangly beaded earrings. “Are you going out tonight?”
“Yes. Paula's picking me up in a few minutes.”
I can't help but frown at this news. It seems whenever Mom and Paula go out, which has turned out to be atleast once a week, it always involves drinking—too much drinking. Oh, Mom hasn't gotten totally hammered like she did that first night when she broke the ginger-jar lamp, but still it's a concern. A big concern.
Mom gives me a stiff smile. “It's just girls’ night out, Sam.”
“I know…but it worries me.”
She gives me a placating pat on the back. “Remember, sweetie, I'm the mom here. You're the teenager. Don't obsess.”
“Who's driving?”
She straightens up and gives me a warning look.