like Nate, but I’ll like him even more when he’s back in Alabama and no longer living in our living room.
I walk towards her and before I can hold her in my arms, she says, “I’m tired, Trent. No t tonight, okay?”
Not tonight. Not last night. It’s been over a week since she’s granted me permission. Even New Year’s Eve was an “I’m too tired” sort of night.
Without looking at her, I walk to our closet and pull out my gym shorts and running shoes. Frustrated by the sound of the shower running, I leave our apartment and run.
I’m glad Erin’s pursuing her dreams and working towards her Master’s so she can grow in her profession. She loves being a Pediatric Nurse, hell she was made for it. I love hearing Shayna tell me about her and Mommy’s day when they go to the beach while I’m at work and I’m glad they get to spend that special time together. But what about my time?
I slam my feet into the ground, willing the frustrations to dissipate but they only grow. While Erin is hell-bent on her education and being there for Shayna, being what our daughter needs and deserves, she’s forgotten one thing. Me.
What about my needs and what I deserve? I’m not talking about sex, although that’s obviously lacking. I’m talking about the t hree of us spending time as a family. The two of us spending time as a couple. Disney was a nice interlude of our reality, but now that we’re back home the interlude is over and we’re back to what should never have become our norm.
Two hours later, I open the apartment door to hear Nate snoring and find Erin sleeping on our bed with her laptop and school books open on what should be my side of our bed. If Nate wasn’t here I’d sleep on the couch. That’s how dejected I feel. But he’s here, so I move her books and laptop to the dresser and shut off the light so she can sleep more soundly before I take a shower.
Dejected . I didn’t even know that word was part of my vocabulary.
Chapter 7
I woke up this morning with a pretty damn good plan in my head. I knew Erin had school today so I thought I’d sweeten Trent over by picking up Shay and some Chinese food. Then he’d have more time to unwind and help me figure out how to tell Erin.
Only Trent took one look at me and I got a pretty good im pression he wanted to punch me in the face. I been stayin’ here since we came back from Disney ‘cuz I like spendin’ time with Tonya a bit too much for my own comfort. ‘Sides, I still haven’t told her about the cancer an’ I’m startin’ to feel bad about it all. But maybe I’ll ask her if I can stay the night with her tomorrow. Maybe it’ll be easier to tell her than the others. She doesn’t know me as well as the others, but sure as I’m standin’ here, I know there’ll be tears. An’ what’s worse than a woman bawlin? ‘Specially if you’re the one makin’ her cry.
While I wanna talk to Erin, she’s got so much goin’ on in her life. Between work, her studies, and a family life, I don’t wanna burden her with my own problems. Okay, I’m takin ’ the chicken shit route here. But there’s truth in there. An’ Trent’s been all bent out of shape with her. Not that I’m gettin’ involved. Whatever love feud they got goin’ on, I want no part in it.
I got my own shit to worry about. I got a pretty good feelin’ the cancer’s getting’ worse. ‘Course it doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. I’m out of breath a lot more often and already quit joggin’.
My body’s been tellin’ me I should also give up sex, but the idea of turning down Tonya is laughable. I don’t care what my body tells me, I ain’t takin’ it in the ass. I’ll die ridin’ her before I let the bastard that is cancer win.
I meet Tonya for lunch and she’s so excited about something she reminds me of Shay jumpin’ up and down on her seat. I kiss her on the lips firmly and let my