she struggled to sit up. She tried to break the tension forming in the air, but her interruption only made things worse.
“ Excuse me,” this time her words were choked with emotion. She wanted to leave because both of them were standing eerily still resembling two statues staring at each other. It was a creepy sight!
“ Security,” the female’s musical voice flowed from her cherub mouth while the male stepped into the room, and no wonder. A large metal door came sliding down from above and closed, sealing the three of them inside.
Did you have to close the door in front of her? The boy gave his sister a stern look. Now, she’s more frightened than ever.
Oddily couldn’t conceal her growing apprehension when, for the third time that day, she felt like a trapped bird in a cage. She made an effort to get off the table, but her body hurt too much when she tried to move.
Quit being so gallant! The girl complained to her brother. In a few minutes, she’s not going to remember any of this.
The angelic blonde left the room with quick, graceful steps like a professional dancer while the boy stayed and stared at her with an expression Oddily had no way of defining. He ran his hand through his hair, brushing back a strand falling over his eye while surveying her.
Oddily couldn’t stand his scrutiny. She squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to contain the frightening thoughts dancing around the perimeter of her mind. With her eyes closed, she could almost pretend the two of them were a figment of her imagination. Of course, they were! They came across as being too otherworldly and regal to be anything else.
Then she shook her head. No, something wasn’t right with them. Once again fear started to run wild in her mind. Her eyes had popped open to prevent the new nightmare from forming and discovered they had left her alone in the big room. She blinked hard in an effort to clear her vision.
“ Perhaps it’s my imagination after all,” she whispered in disbelief, except her sore body sure felt real. Her head throbbed while every muscle and joint in her body started to ache worse than before.
She glanced around the enormous room and realized this was no hospital. The space appeared to be a sophisticated ‘high-tech’ auto mechanics garage, except this place repaired thing-a-ma-jigs with metal body parts. A few of those unidentifiable things and a metal human-like robot lay on slabs like the one she occupied. There were also complex computers at the head of each bed with giant screens on the nearby wall monitoring what Oddily assumed were the grounds of the Stafford Estate. She was sure of this when, on one of the monitors, she viewed her pink backpack next to a mound of dirt—evidently the place where she had landed after the fall.
Then she eyed several large welding machines and spotted three futuristic thingies—possibly cyber-tanks. Thankfully, they were empty. Maybe she had stumbled onto the set of a science fiction movie and the two strangers were actors.
Oddily caught sight of a cart full of fiber optics and microelectronics near the table she occupied and eyed a peculiar contraption with blinking lights. She picked up the object to turn it over in her hands for a closer look, but not for long. Without warning, the boy returned and continued to stare at her. She shoved the device inside her sweater pocket, mortified he might find out that she touched their things. She would wait for the right moment and give it back.
The boy didn’t speak a word to her as he handed Oddily a cup filled with a brew that gave off a heavenly aroma. She noticed that when their fingers accidentally touched, he quickly pulled away seemingly repulsed by her.
“ Thank you,” she whispered as her bottom lip began to involuntarily quiver. She feared for her life, but his response to her touch was even more terrifying. His repulsion had stabbed her like a knife in her battered heart. She tried to hide her fear and disenchantment