on,” Felicia says. “It can’t be that bad…”
“The good news...,” Kain says.
We both groan.
“Marauders, despite their name, will not force themselves onto you.”
“Wow!” Felicia says, elbowing me. “ Great news!”
I punch her arm.
“However,” Kain says, “they will recycle you if you are not providing sufficient value.”
“Gross,” Felicia says.
“I have two questions,” I say. “First, what does ‘recycle’ mean, and second, is being a sex slave the only way to provide value?”
“Recycle is self-explanatory,” Kain says. “You will be broken down in the bio-reorganizer, and your organic matter will be redistributed through our life support systems. So if you break, you get too old to work, or show you lack sufficient work ethic...you are recycled.”
“They’ll eat us?” Felicia asks.
“The reorganizer will break you down molecule by molecule, sometimes atom by atom, so there won’t be a you left for us to eat.”
“Wonderful,” I say. “And my second question?”
“The human slaves are a taboo subject on Darkstar,” Kain says. “It’s very hippo...I forget this word. Hippocratic?”
“Yes,” he nods. “It’s hypocritical. Darkstar’s stated mission is to eradicate humanity. Though in recent years, there’s been a push to focus instead on simply leaving . I stayed with Darkstar because I was in favor of leaving. But the ‘eradicate humanity’ idea is gaining fresh traction once again. So the human captives– many of whom are sex slaves– are...a contradiction.”
“Fucking assholes,” Felicia says, leaning back in her chair.
“Yes,” Kain says. “Sometimes they do that– only in the ass– to avoid the taboo of ‘mating with a human.’”
“What?” Felicia shouts. “I was calling them assholes! Not–”
“Oh,” Kain says, “sorry, that was likely too much information. But anyway, it’s not widely spoken of within Darkstar society. The prisoners are kept on Darkstar itself rather than on the two colony ships.”
“What is the main difference between Darkstar and the ships?” I ask.
“Uh,” Felicia says, “one is a big rock, and the others are ships? Seems obvious.”
“Yes,” Kain says, “but Kara’s question is important. The ships orbit Darkstar, but the ships are total luxury compared to the planet itself. Darkstar is typically reserved for training soldiers, resource mining, and so on. Higher ranking officers, for instance, are stationed on one of the ships. For him to give into temptation and take a human slave, he’ll typically say that he is going to supervise training, or observe the mining operations– some excuse– and everyone will look the other way.”
“So,” I say, “it sounds like rescuing us won’t be impossible.”
“Rescuing you will not be impossible, though it will be difficult,” Kain says. “There are a number of issues...I will need to gain Darkstar’s trust enough to be given a biosuit, for one. If I had one now, I would destroy the approaching ship. But because they have biosuits, I don’t dare fight them.”
“So take one off the rack once we get to Darkstar,” Felicia says.
“While my father was still alive, I may have been able to easily gain access to one. But I have no idea what my position will be on Darkstar after all that’s happened.”
“Maybe they won’t come,” I say. “Can you just ignore the signal?”
“I already told them I was here with two prisoners,” Kain says.
“You couldn’t have just,” I say, “like, not done that?”
“They already heard your distress beacon, and they already saw me landing. Their scanners can detect that I’m a Marauder and that you’re two living human females. I needed to get them to believe I’m still on their side. It’s your best hope.”
“How long do we have?”
Kain looks at his wrist. “Only a few minutes more.”
“Any final thoughts?” I ask. “Pieces of advice?”
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