much earlier in his costume designs, tiny next to him, a bee and a deer, sometimes stinging Jason, he’s going to hurt you so badly you’ll never get over it and then who’s going to bind your wounds when you’re so all alone, because I’m not always going to be here, so trust in my mother’s instinct, I won’t always be here, believe in my mother’s instinct, who is going to bind your wounds when I’m gone and you’re all alone, I can barely see now, you need glasses Mama that’s all, Yinn would reply, and when I buy them for you, you refuse to wear them Mama, oh no I’m not going to start complaining like all those old ladies who fall in love with you in your shows said Yinn’s mother, if their sons were like you they’d be so worried about the future they’d never notice time passing them by, what’s going to become of him that pirouette of a son of mine, what’s going to become of him they’d say, one day this way, one day the other, a pirouette from boy to girl with beautiful shoulder-length black hair, with no concern for rules of any kind, no oh no they’d be preoccupied with him all the time, time passing them by, and all those strange women, you let too many women caress you, yes Yinn’s mother would say, I’m in perpetual combustion, that’s why they come to me Yinn would say — boys and men I can understand, but so many women as well — there for a night and then gone, do be careful son, the split that vents our passion is always there, wide open, so do be careful, especially if you want to marry that Jason, his mother remembered him barely starting out as a delinquent, first admiring that shiny sewing machine she could not afford in the shop, then him setting it up in their modest apartment, you’ve got to take it back where you got it, I’m worn out with worry about you, do you want to get us thrown out of this country, delinquent, thief, and no father to protect you, just gone off with the first woman to wander by, and the shiny sewing machine in the shadows, sew, Mama, sew, suture, so the needles no longer hurt your hands, you’re going to take this right back or you’re going to prison she had told him, the shininess of the machine lighting their misery, it was for you Mama so your fingers would stop bleeding, that’s what the child said pirouetting around and around with my dresses and jewels on, the little there was left over from times past, no more jewels and dresses, I had to work for rich people and I took him along with me and kept an eye on him so he wouldn’t lift anything, sewing machines in rich people’s houses, always keeping an eye out and putting back whatever he’d taken, do you want to get us thrown out of this house, out of this whole country, out on the street with all three of my sons, is that what you’re aiming for Yinn, always this obsession with sewing machines, even in the masters’ houses, a woman brings up her kids by herself, worried sick at seeing him grow up with a hankering for silks and fabrics, and when will he ever have enough of this stuff, and us having nothing at all or so little, his father running off with the first woman he cast eyes on, and this was how she spoke of him to Robbie on the wharf as the wind whipped their faces, and he in turn said to Petites Cendres, remember how much Fatalité loved this song You know I am no good but love me anyway , how are you supposed to be worth anything in this world anyhow, Robbie asked, I’m gonna be cute, with long blonde hair over my own, and I’ll dance so good before and after the show that people on the street will stop and shower money on me, ’specially Fridays and Sundays, so how are you supposed to be worth anything in this world when nothing’s worth much anyway, eh Petites Cendres, what do you think his favourite song was, he just loved it, none of us really take up much space at all do we, short orbits, that’s all we have, just like Fatalité, oh I know I’m not worth anything,