at the hospital then be at the Black Horse Farm at four. That will give me plenty of time to pick up Rosie from Walter’s house, stop at the farm then drop Rosie at my house before I pick you up around six. Dinner isn’t till seven but maybe we can walk around and chat with the owners. Just a friendly chat. How does that sound?”
Daisy sighed. “I don’t like all this drama, but I guess I’m along for the ride whether I like it or not. I hope you can figure it out before anything bad happens to us.” She picked up her bag, gave Sweet Pea another cuddle, waved, and walked to the door.
Lily heard the door jingle as she carried her arrangement into the cooler.
“Yoo-hoo? Anyone here?”
Lily cringed before she put on her ‘be nice to customers face’ as she returned to the front of the store. “Good morning Tamara. How can I help you today?” Lily tried not to let her mouth fall open when she saw how Tamara was dressed. It isn’t that pink tent thingie she wore to the wedding , Lily thought, it’s worse . Lily stared at the ample figure in front of her dressed in purple spandex.
Tamara flapped her hand at Lily. “Your mother’s wedding was just the most beautiful event I’ve ever been to. The weather couldn’t have been better , and that Lyman Estate.” She patted her heart. “Elegant doesn’t even give it its due. She’s so lucky with that Walter Nash. Isn’t he a dear? I want to send them an after the wedding bouquet. Is there such a thing? Well, maybe I’ll just start a new tradition. What do you think? Isn’t that a brilliant idea? Maybe I can promote it and make a line of greeting cards to go along with it. What do you think, Lily dear?” Tamara finally took a breath and looked expectantly at Lily.
Lily didn’t know where to begin answering the barrage of questions. She opened her mouth but before she could get one word out, Tamara started again , lowering her voice conspiratorially. “Did you hear about the missing girl?”
Lily’s attention zero ed in on Tamara’s conversation. “What missing girl?”
“Well,” Tamara looked around as if someone might be spying on them, “ you know I never gossip.” Lily tried not to roll her eyes, waiting for Tamara to continue. “But I heard this from the source. I was getting coffee at the Sunflower Café and I ran into Anna Sparks. She works at the Black Horse Farm? Do you know her? Anyway, she told me that her daughter, Kari, never came home last night and she’s out of her mind with worry.”
“Do you know more about her? How old is she? Maybe she stayed at a friend’s house?” Lily questioned.
Tamara sat on the stool next to Lily’s work table, with her purple bottom overflowing on all sides of the seat. “I think she’s twentyish. Anna didn’t give me any more information, but she acted very concerned. She even called the police but they aren’t doing anything.” Tamara looked away before continuing. “You have a knack for figuring out these mysteries so I told Anna about how you solved my daughter’s fiancé’s murder and the murder at the museum and she wants to talk to you. Soon.”
Lily could hear Ryan’s voice in her head warning her to keep her nose out of this mystery. “You are giving me more credit than I deserve, Tamara. I was just lucky those other times.” She paused as Tamara’s stare didn’t waver from Lily’s face. “Okay, listening can’t hurt. But, the daughter is probably already home, safe and sound.” Lily tried to sound reassuring even though she had a sinking feeling in her gut.
Tamara hugged Lily, almost suffocating her in that purple haze. “I told her you would do it. Now, what do you have that I can bring over to your mother?”
Lily thought for a minute before answering. “She still has all the flowers from the wedding.” She looked around her store and walked over to some potted plants. “How about one of these beautiful orchid plants. The sunroom is perfect for these phalaenopsis