: Oh, never mind – you might as well finish now that you’ve started. If you’ve got enough of what it takes.
: I feel a little faint but it’s worth it to see you looking so good. Mmmmm!
: Stop that! And what’s going to happen when you’re all used up?
: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
: What’s that thing on the ceiling? It wasn’t there before. Are you taking pictures of me?
(At this point Fallok removed the bug and stamped heavily on it.)
Her voice! Listening to them almost drove me mad.
The pictures in my mind as I imagined what was going on! The erection it gave me! I took time out to pleasure myself but I still couldn’t calm down, I was burning with passion, aching to possess this woman. My love had sprung up like a monstrous cactus the first time I saw her on video. Now Fallok is enjoying the fruits of my labour. I never should have told him how to go about it and I fully intend to take her away from him. Yes! To have her for myself, to feel her responding to the urgent life in me! One way or another I’ll do it. Ah, Justine!
Justine Trimble
8 January 2004. Crazy! Is this how Lazarus felt? And crazier from one minute to the next. I kept trying to push this old guy away but as the new life flowed into me I was getting horny. So I stopped pushing him away and pulled him on to me. If fucking was music he wouldn’t of been no more than a tin whistle but in my mind it was Gene Autry giving it to me real good and singing, ‘Whoopee ti-yi-yo, rockin’ to and fro, back in the saddle again …’
The old guy fainted when he finished and I must have used up too much juice because I could feel myself fading to black-and-white again which was a real comedown. When he opened his eyes the old guy – Istvan Fallok his name is – said, ‘How was it for you?’
‘Terrific,’ I said. ‘Only I think I’m fading back to where I was at the beginning.’
‘I noticed,’ he said. ‘But I don’t think I’ve got enough blood left to give you a top-up.’
‘So what’s going to happen now?’
‘You’re a good-looking girl, Justine …’
‘Yeah, so?’
‘You could have guys queueing up for you.’
‘What, you’re going to pimp for me?’
‘Calm down, you don’t have to go all the way – just get them in here and I’ll soon have you in Technicolor again.’
‘When I get them in here you’re going to do that business with the needles and tubes?’
‘Unless you prefer the classical method of satisfying your need.’
‘You mean … ?’
‘Think Bela Lugosi, think children of the night.’
‘Jesus, you’re trying to turn me into a vampire whore! I’m not some tramp you picked up, I was a
, I rode after the El Paso stage and saved the goddam gold.’
‘Justine, you don’t like black-and-white much, it makes you feel terrible and you look like hell. I
you, just get the guys in here and I’ll do all the heavy work.’
‘Never mind, I’ll do it the old-fashioned way. I’ll be a vampire whore. Come to think of it, I won’t need you then, will I.’ I wanted to hit the street before my colour was all gone, so I grabbed a jacket and headed for the door. ‘Hang your head in shame,’ is what Gene Autry and me sung to the old guy as I hauled ass out of there and into the dark.
Istvan Fallok
8 January 2004. I stood there and watched her go out of the door; I couldn’t think of anything useful to do. All kinds of feelings were churning around inside me. Blood was a practical necessity for Justine. Mine had worked for her and I guessed that her reconstituted system would accept any type. What she was doing now was certainly the simplest and most direct way of getting what she needed; thinking about it, imagining her sinking her teeth into the neck of her first victim, excited me and filled me with a kind of perverse pride. I hoped she’d leave whomever she drank from enough blood to be going on with but I couldn’t help worrying a