exists in all of us," Vejax heard himself reply as he watched the others quiet down and a settle into one of the many platforms or benches shifted around the deck.
"The Provider exists for us," a confident voice said from the opposite side of the deck, coming from a promising young Guardian named Daltera. As Vejax recalled, Daltera had been inducted as a Guardian six years prior and was returning to Lake Arol for his first tour of duty as a trainer.
"The Provider exists to feed us," Grimlock the apprentice chimed, as huge and doltish as ever.
"Yes, Grimlock, a truism we are all reminded of by your presence alone," Kilton said with a wink, causing the group to erupt with boisterous laughter with Grimlock's guffaws heard above the rest.
The fifth child born to two of Razum City's prestigious vine Shifters, Grimlock was genetically predisposed to be large in stature. But no one could have predicted the intimidating mound of flesh, sculpted by years of strenuous labor, now leaning contently against the ship's bow. For even though he had spent the first eight years of his adult life serving society as one of Razum's many vine Shifters—those responsible for keeping the Provider's transit system going, propelling a plethora of passenger and freight cars around the world every hour of the day—he did not shift the Source according to the niche Shifters.
Where his fellows shifted massive vine cables across long distances from the Source found in both muscle and vine, Grimlock combined the raw brawn known to all Guardians while he shifted from the churning sea of Source welled deep within Belly Briar. Like many Guardians before him, Grimlock did not consciously mask his true nature. The power of a Guardian is like none other, a role the soul must embrace with vigor. So, as was the Provider's way, the time for his true nature to surface had arrived, forcing Grimlock to reveal his Guardian powers in order to save the ones he cared for most.
"The Provider Exists," Kilton said, resuming with the lecture. "While significant to all Citizens, we Guardians rely on this opening verse of the Citizens Creed to instill faith again and again, no matter h ow dark the circumstances. This, my brothers and sisters, in your own personal way, will be learned in due time."
Vejax nodded in agreement to the salient message, just as he had that evening. He then studied the others and registered similar understanding on each, except for one: Steffor. The boy looked comfortable enough, leaning into the curved stern with arms spread across the rail, but Vejax detected a discord on the young face as it turned to study the hull slicing through the water.
"Tell us apprenti ce Steffor, how does your personal experience relate to the wisdom of Master Kilton's words?" As he heard himself pose the leading question to Steffor, the skepticism etched in his voice startled Vejax. Did I sense something about the youth on that very first day?
Unaware or uncaring of the group ’s attention now squarely focused upon him, Steffor kept his gaze on the water for several seconds before replying. "It does not...relate that is." His steady gaze moved from Vejax to Kilton.
"Intriguing. Tell me St effor, if not that, what, if any verse from the Citizens Creed, best relates to the awakening of your Guardian powers?" Kilton asked with genuine fascination.
"No one aspect of the Citizens Creed captures my experience, but if I had to choose it would be: Life of a Citizen is purposeful."
"Very curious. Never in my years have I once known a Guardian to cite that verse as their inspiration, especially young apprentices recently discovering their powers. So what do the words ‘The Provider Exists’ mean to you?"
Vejax watched Steffor intently as he pondered the question. Steffor loosely wrapped his arms around his legs folded into his chest. Appearing at first perturbed by the question, Vejax could only describe the countenance that replaced as reli ef. According to the