yourself more. I told you, I’m a friend. Let’s leave it at that. Now, while I clean you up, you can eat something and tell me where your team is. I don’t have time for this crap.”
Jennings stared up at Jinn for a moment then nodded.
“Against my better judgment, I’ll accept your help. Don’t make me sorry, mister, or you’ll be dead faster than you can say boo.”
“Call me Max for now and lose the threats.” Jinn released her and sat back. With her voice lowered, she hoped to be thought of as a man.
“Now look whose being secretive.”
“I have good reason.” Without removing the netting that covered her face, Jinn pulled out a couple of military rations and handed one to Jennings. She ate the other herself, slipping the food beneath the mask then took a sip of water, keeping her attention on her charge the entire time. The protein supplement tasted like flavored cardboard, but she ate it.
“Mmm, yummy. Today we get ham and pineapple mystery meal,” Jinn said sarcastically. The packet smelled like it, but the taste left a lot to be desired. She searched around the forest while she ate, watching for danger.
Once done eating, Jinn grabbed the first aid kit and cleaned the wound on the woman’s forehead with an antiseptic wipe but leaving the camouflage paint on her face.
While she waited for Jennings to finish her meal, Jinn held the painkillers in her hand.
“I’m not taking any pills from you, buddy.”
“Straight forward anti-inflammatories. Standard issue in North America.”
“So you take them.”
A slight snort of humor escaped as Jinn took two and popped them in her mouth, followed by another sip of water. Satisfied, Jennings nodded then did the same.
“Now, tell me what happened.”
“Not much to tell. We were ambushed before we could hit the ground running and chased through the rainforest for two days. I’m not sure if they’re alive since I got shot in my hard head and blacked out. I don’t know how long I lay there but when I came to, there was no noise but the forest animals and insects.”
“It’s a surface wound. You’ll be fine. Any idea how long you’ve been awake?”
Jennings’ slow headshake caused her to wince in pain.
For a momentthe strong smell of antiseptic stung Jinn’s nose, taking away forest scents. She sensed that her sister was getting medical help. Relieved, Jinn refocused her thoughts on Jennings. Keeping her voice steady, Jinn said,”It appears the bullet only grazed your forehead. You were lucky.”
“I need to know where my team is and help them. The Cap—”
As though realizing she was about to tell as secret, Jennings clammed up.
“Go on. The Captain?”
“…doesn’t exist, and neither do I. Do you understand?”
“Covert operations protocol. I’m not interested in spilling the beans to your targets. I know they’re in trouble and I’m here to find them. Either you help me or I go it alone. It’s up to you, Jennings. You can keep heading west and get on a plane in Oaxaca by tomorrow. I’ll throw in enough food and water to get you there.”
“I’m not going anywhere but back for my team.” For once she let her guard down and groaned, her hand going to her temple as though to still the pain. “Okay. I’ll play your game, but if you threaten my pals in any way, I’ll kill you.”
Again, the bravery of the woman amazed and amused Jinn. She gave a slight nod. “Okay, tiger. Do you need to rest for a while?”
“No. I’m ready to roll. Which way do we go?”
“Right back the way you came. There’s a path about fifty feet to the right of you, but we stay undercover. Let’s move out.”
Though wary of Jennings, Jinn led the way, sure the woman wanted to save her team more than kill her. In minutes they fell into a silent companionship. She scanned the woman’s mind again but couldn’t read it. How weird. That only happens with Julie unless she wants me to read her.
They’d been traveling for an hour when