Herobrine teleported away only to find Steve rushing at him, sword in hand.
Herobrine stepped to the side and summoned a diamond sword of his own, blocking Steve’s blow. Steve swung again and their swords clashed together as Pigphelas prepared for another charge.
Steve and Herobrine fought back and forth around the chamber. Herobrine knocked Steve back and raised his arms. There was a hissing noise and the ground caught fire at Herobrine’s feet.
Steve stepped back and saw Pigphelas take a running leap at Herobrine, who teleported away again. The ground at Herobrine’s new location also caught fire. Steve ran at Herobrine, his leggings protecting him from the heat. Pigphelas also charged forward, looking determined.
Just as Steve swung his sword, though, Herobrine teleported back to the first fire. Pigphelas turned around, confused. Pigphelas
snorted and began a new charge, but Steve realized that they would never catch Herobrine by just charging at him. As Pigphelas built up speed for another running leap at Herobrine, Steve ran towards the second fire and jumped just as Pigphelas did. Herobrine teleported away from Pigphelas’s charge and appeared at the second fire to see Steve flying through the air at him. Steve swung his sword down as he landed on Herobrine. Herobrine fell to the ground, and with a sizzling noise, disappeared into nothing.
Chapter 10: Answers?
As soon as Steve turned around to head back to the village in triumph, he heard a faint voice say something. It sounded just like the voice he first heard while building his house a few days before. This voice was different though, it was not saying his name like the first time he heard Herobrine. This time the gravelly voice said "...Thaaankk...Youuuu..."
Steve slowly turned around. He was afraid Herobine was still there behind him ready to continue the fight, but he was also confused and curious as to why the Herobrine would thank him. When Steve had turned all the way around he was surprised to see there was nothing there. "This place is giving me the spooks, we should probably head back to the village," he said to his trusty pig friend. Pigphelas went to snort in agreement with Steve when he was shockingly interrupted by row of flames that sprung up on the cave wall to reveal an eary picture....
It was he, Herobrine building his first house, a nice quiet little abode in a forest. Herobrine was happy building his home in a new land. Once he finished he made a little farm and stable where he kept his trusty friend, MooMoo the dairy cow.
Steve was amazed at what he was looking at. Seeing Herobine as a player such as he really made Steve curious to find out what happened to him. He could tell from the pictures on the cave wall that Herobine and MooMoo were happy together in their beautiful house. “What could have possibly happened? Will the same thing happen to us?” Steve asked himself these questions as the pictures on the wall once again began to change.
This time Herobrine was digging a two by two mine into the side of a mountain near his house. As he was digging he stumbled upon a mysterious archway deep inside and under the mountain; it was a portal with a dark purple boarder and a glowing purple center. Though he could not hear anything from the pictures, Steve could see Herobine asking himself where the portal went, what kind of things could be on the other side. Slowly Herobrine began to walk towards the portal. When he made it to the portal he stood there for a few seconds and then vanished! Steve imagined being in Herobrines’ shoes and decided that he would have done the exact same thing as Herobine.
The pictures once again changed and Steve now saw Herobrine standing in a new world that he had never seen before. The same portal was in this new world but everything else was different! There were terrible