whispered in Jai’s ears
‘I know all about you and Juliet and believe me – right now you are having a better time than she is.’ Jai had recoiled with anger and despair and Bhai had enjoyed the impotent rage of Jai.
The end came soon afterwards in the form of a Swiss army knife that Rashique pushed through Jai, between the fourth and fifth ribs in the left of his chest. The blade rapidly exsanguinated Jai and he was dead in a heartbeat.
Chapter Two
Mouse-tail Galaxy
Domus-Nova Year 2548, Earth Year 7859 AD
Jai’s eyes opened to a white light.
His pulse was racing and the blind panic that he felt contrasted with the starkness of the white light, which was soft and soothing, and bounced gently from the corners of the room he was in.
His eyes quickly scanned the room. The room was sparse, large, and appeared featureless, partly due to the pervasive light that filled the room and bounced off its walls all around. There was a bedstead, a table by the side of the bed, and a large clock face on the wall opposite his bed. There was a white curtain on the wall to his left, behind which could possibly be a large window. The rest of his body was covered in white sheets that hung loose across on both sides of the bed.
There was a strange humming sound from above his head, quite like the buzz of a small fan, only quieter and more measured and refined. He tried but could not turn his head up to see where it came from.
He tried again to look up to locate the source of the noise but he could not, try as he might, turn his head up. He tried lifting his hand but could not. There were no restrains. He was just not able to move any part of his body.
The paralysed state of his body immediately seized him with a claustrophobic urgency that added to the panic he had already been experiencing. The white light that had moments ago soothed him now gave rise to a sense of terror and foreboding.
He wanted to shout, maybe for the nurse.
But was this the hospital? He did not remember reaching the hospital.
It could not possibly be the hospital.
He was dead. He remembered his body drooping down as a knife plunged into his chest.
Where was he?
He had been tortured and most certainly killed by Bhai and he had seen bits and pieces of himself being cut away during the torture. He remembered having died, the knife piercing his heart, stopping his heartbeat in an instant and him blacking out after that. He could not be alive after that.
Where was he, then?
The dread that he felt in that room, slowly gave way to a full-blown panic attack. The panic made breathing difficult and he started to gasp and choke. His pupils dilated and he could hear his heart thumping away in his chest. He wanted to shout but he could not even move his lips…
Chapter 3
Was It Another Nightmare?
Mumbai, India
7 May, 2012
Jai woke up, panting and sweating in his room. It was very early in the morning.
A stupid fucking nightmare! Not the usual African Jihadi stuff, but it was still a bloody nightmare.
Jai had a thing with dreams. He had always had nightmares of being a Jihadi, fighting a bloody war against the infidel Americans in some faraway God-forsaken land. Jai never understood why he had those dreams but he had been having them ever since his childhood.
And now this new stupid shit.
He drew the sheets away and looked at his toes and fingers. He could move them alright. Only that they trembled uncontrollably, the terror of the nightmare clutching at his feet still. He had a terrible headache and his belly cramped intermittently. His hands instinctively went to his chest to pluck out the knife, which, of course, was not there. His whole body continued to shake, recovering slowly from his terrifying nightmare.
He had never been terrified of dying, but this dream was definitely different. This was a real bad one, the worst of them all – the mother-fucker of all bad dreams.
Shit! What a nasty