jaw just kept dropping. Truly, with a home like this, why would you ever leave it?
Ren’s wing had his enormous bedroom, the biggest bathroom I have ever seen, a sitting room and a music room. Apparently, this was the ‘small’ music room and there was a full recording studio in Garret’s wing. Their last two albums –including the Platinum one –had been recorded there. I’ve never thought money was all that important but maybe I was wrong. If this is what it bought, I wanted some. Having met Ruth and Jonathan I understood that a lot of all this was to remain close to them, make them an integral part of the family as long as possible. I had no doubt both of them would die in this house. Money could guarantee that as well.
My suitcase was sitting on a bench at the end of the bed. Renny’s was already unpacked and put away. He showed me the drawers he had emptied for me and where I could hang my one skirt and blouse. He lay on the bed as I unpacked and raised his eyebrows at my new Marlene-approved panties. For old times sake, I threw one at him. He inhaled it and left it plastered on his face which is where it was when Garrett popped in without knocking.
“That is an excellent look on you, baby brother,” he said, lolling next to him on the bed. “Hey, Rach.”
“Hey, Garrett,” I said as I scooped up the panties from the bed and stuffed them into the drawer with the others.
“So whatcha’ think?’ he asked me.
“I think you should probably knock next time.” Renny laughed but Garrett turned a slight pink.
“Ah, c’mon, I’m the only bro here without a lovely lady to keep me warm. I need to live vicariously and Claire put a deadbolt on their house. You guys are all I have.”
“You can watch Beatrice and Benedict,” Rennie said.
Garrett started singing;
“Alpaca love, it’s so fine,
alpaca love, quite the climb,
oo,oo,oo, I loves me some alpaca love.”
“That was the most beautiful love song about bestiality I have ever heard,” I teased as I put my suitcase in the giant walk-in closet.
“I’d venture it’s the only love song about bestiality you’ve heard,” Garret said.
“I was in Afghanistan for two years, Garrett. They love their animals there. I mean they love their animals.”
“That is sick,” he made a gagging noise.
“I don’t know, bro, I remember when we toured in Afghanistan, I saw you eyeing that furry donkey,” Renny teased.
“I was hungry not horny.”
“Hard to tell with you.”
“True. Either way I’ll be eating something.”
“Hey, hey, guys, I’m in the room.”
“Sorry Rachel,” Garrett rose, “but you better get used to it if you’re coming on the road with us. We are disgusting. See you guys at dinner.” He drifted out, making a point to close, and lock, the door. “You’ve got about an hour.”
I turned to Renny. “Um, what?”
“You heard the man,” he patted the bed, “an hour to christen this virgin bed.”
“Not that. What was that about coming on the road with you? What don’t I know?”
“I asked them what they thought about you coming, that’s all. They’re cool with it.’
“You didn’t think asking me might be the first step?”
“You don’t have to go.”
“Good. I can’t think of anything worse.”
“Really? ‘Cause you just admitted spending two years around camel fuckers.”
I threw myself at him and we rolled around, doing romantic, childish things like tickling, laughing, while Renny made Camel noises. I actually forgot where we were and unzipped my little camel’s jeans. Despite my recent ruminations about senility I was in the moment now. And it was a moment I knew I’d love remembering over and over and over.
* * * * * * * * * *
We went downstairs to a beautiful formal dining room. It could hold close to 20 people but tonight it held only four, Renny, Garret, Ruth and myself. Jonathan was already in bed. He had a headache Ruth told us. Garret and