the beautiful stretch of Mac’s lips
and the crinkles at the corners of his dark brown ey es. “You’re
welcom e.”
“Are y ou try ing to get m e drunk?” Mac asked. His sm ile turned
teasing, flirtatious alm ost.
Jez felt his cheeks heat as he held Mac’s gaze for a few exciting,
uncom fortable seconds. “May be.”
He sat back again, watching the screen but no longer taking any of it
in. His attention was all on the warm th of Mac’s thigh alongside his and
the solid press of his shoulder. Jez breathed in and caught Mac’s scent:
clean laundry and shower gel, but beneath that the woodsy scent of skin
—warm m ale skin. It rem inded Jez of school locker room s, wrestling with
his m ates, and unwanted adolescent erections. He rem em bered the
sounds of Mac’s hand on his cock last weekend and the stifled m oan when
he cam e, and—
Jez’s cock tingled as it swelled and thickened. Beside him Mac
laughed at som ething on the TV and took another long swallow from his
Jez followed suit, draining what was left in his with a few large gulps,
and then he stood. Brave—or stupid—from alcohol and horniness, he
turned to Mac, not bothering to try and hide the obvious line of his sem i in
his tracksuit bottom s. “I’m gonna go and watch som e porn and have a
wank. Do y ou want to com e?” As soon as the words were out of his
m outh, he realised what he’d said and snorted, adding, “No pun
Jez’s accidental double m eaning m ade the m om ent less awkward
than it m ight have been, and Mac laughed, but then he flushed and his
gaze slid down Jez’s torso to his bulge and back before he spoke.
“In y our room ?” His expression was wary.
“Yeah, that’s where m y laptop is, and I’m not sure I want to m ake a
habit of spanking the m onkey in the living room .”
But I wouldn’t mind making a habit of doing it with you.
He m anaged to resist the urge to say those words out loud. He hadn’t
had enough cider to com pletely obliterate his verbal filter, thankfully.
Mac was still staring at him but not m oving.
“Okay, I’m going.” Jez turned away, regretting having m ade the
suggestion. They ’d only j ust got back to norm al after last weekend, and
now Mac would probably spend the next week avoiding him again. He
felt stupid for suggesting it after Mac’s obvious discom fort all week.
But the TV switched off as he reached the door, and he heard Mac’s
footsteps behind him . Jez grinned but didn’t turn around, and as Mac
followed him up the stairs, Jez was buzzing with excitem ent, his arousal
building at the thought of what was about to happen.
In Jez’s room Mac hung back while Jez picked up his laptop and
m ade him self com fortable on the double bed. Mac waited uncertainly
until Jez patted the space next to him .
“I can’t believe I’m doing this again,” Mac said, but he j oined Jez on
the bed as Jez ty ped in his password and pulled up his porn bookm arks.
“It’s no big deal.” Jez shrugged, try ing to reassure him . Although Jez
wasn’t sure he m anaged to convince Mac or even him self. This wasn’t
the sam e as a group of lads j erking off to porn. The fact that there were
only two of them added a lay er of intim acy that couldn’t be denied. But
Jez didn’t want to exam ine it too closely right now. He j ust wanted to get
“This one’s good.” Jez clicked on a fairly standard porn vid that he
often j erked off to. It was straight-up porn, nothing kinky, and the girl was
pretty and looked like she was enj oy ing it. He was aware of Mac beside
him , his body tense and his breathing shallow. Jez wondered why Mac
had agreed to this when he was obviously a m illion m iles out of his
com fort zone. Outwardly ignoring him , Jez took the lead again and was
the first to start touching him self. He leaned back against the headboard
and palm ed his stiffening dick through his trousers, forcing him