One day at the age of 17, my parents had a discussion. While I overheard their discussion, I got an idea, and printed out a quiz sheet from the website of Dr. Phil, about marriage and relationships. So I asked my parents if they were willing to let me ask a few questions that might help them and their relationship. They agreed to this and sat down at the kitchen table in front of me. I asked questions like "When was the last time you gave Mum a compliment, and when was the last time you sat down and listened to Dad?"
I had a number of questions, and they answered all of them.
This was a moment where they were not my parents or I their daughter. We met as three people sitting around a table, with open hearts and open minds. Stories, explanations, justifications and excuses disappeared automatically. There we were; three people having a conversation around a table. Nothing more or less.
This experience did something for me and made me think that the world may not be as we perceive it. It was a great moment.
High School became a period where I only tried to fit in somewhere and hang on to life as I knew it, and I found my circle of friends. We had a lot of fun together where weekend parties and hanging around became the highlights. It was at the age of 19 that I had a turning point again. After many weekend parties and many nights where I got really drunk and flirting around I started to feel trapped in a life routine which gave me the feeling of being choked. I got restless, and came back to the same feeling that I needed to explore life more and was thinking life has to be more than school, work, family and getting old. The final straw was where I got so unbelievably drunk and took a taxi home with my best friend and my sister. I was sitting in the backseat and when my friend opened up the car door I suddenly thought I was an eagle and was ready to fly out of the taxi. And before anyone could react, I jumped out of the taxi with my head first and hit the pavement. Considering the fact that I was so terribly drunk, it is strange that I remember this, but believe me I have never forgotten.
Grasping a new opportunity – changing my perception of life.
Shortly after turning 20 years old, an opportunity appeared that would change my life forever. My sister introduced me to a Norwegian-Moroccan film director, and announced that maybe film was my next chapter.
I acted upon the opportunity before fear struck me, and so my journey took me to Morocco.
I was totally open and hungry for everything when I came to Morocco. The film director had never seen anyone so curious, open and trusting before and he took on the task to show me around. We traveled around in this beautiful and exciting country. I saw and learned about people from another perspective, I learned about psychology, other cultures, film and research. So much happened with me as a person on this journey, so when I came back to Norway after 15 days, it felt like coming back to a foreign country, where I felt even more lonely. So I moved to Casablanca shortly thereafter. I had to experience more of what I had found there. I wanted to experience more, find my own path and truth.
Over the next three years I got the opportunity to work as an Assistant Scripter and Coach for the two main actors for the feature film called Casanegra, as well as 8 episodes of a TV-series called “El Kadia”. Casanegra turned out to be a great success in the coming years.
The two main actors won "best actors" award at the Dubai Film Festival 2008, the film went on to receive over 13 awards internationally, and in addition to that, it was nominated to represent Morocco for the Oscar Awards in 2010.
Yet at some point during these three years I decided to continue my journey alone in a small town on the West Coast. I was now 23 years old and I wanted to show myself that I could manage with what I had learnt of money, language and knowledge. It did not take long before I my naivety and lack