okay?" Henry murmured a word, but the drugs had eroded it. "Because you're exactly our type. You don't have to prove yourself." I splayed my hands on Henry's ass and pressed down, like he was lying in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater. The crack opened up. Julian cleared his throat, hocked some milky spit. Using his nails, he combed spit evenly through the hairs down there, reorganizing them into a spiral around the knotty, purple hole. "Yow," he said, curled his lip, "this guy's wild."
Julian positioned his thumbs to either side of the hole, yanked. It flew wide open. One of my ears squashed against one of his. He and I peered into the glittering well. "It's kind of unbelievably beautiful," I said. "Yeah, in a weird sense," Julian whispered. "It also reminds me of something, but I can't think what." My head lowered an inch, two, three. "Poor guy," I muttered. Julian thought I looked psycho. "How so?" I just shrugged. "Oh, because it makes me want to fuck him over even more for some reason."
"Mmm." Julian slid two fingers into the ass. Henry's arms, which had laid very limp and nondescript to this point, started snaking around on the rug. A hand found Julian's knees and squeezed one of them twice. "Spooky," I said. The asshole had puffed up around Julian's knuckles. It made him think of that famous fur tea cup. "When I met this guy," he whispered, "I'd never, ever have guessed he was so out to lunch." He worked the fingers loose, wiping them on his calves. "But let's hurry before he gets sober and opinionated or whatever."
I crawled toward Henry's head. Julian reopened the asshole, spit, pushed in his cock, let the ass close around it. "Mmm." He looked up. I was eyeing the part in Henry's hair, or that general vicinity. "What?" Julian asked. "Oh, no big deal." I grinned. "It's just the way his hair's fallen into his face, and how straight the hair is, makes his head look like a lamp shade." Julian couldn't quite picture that. "I'm assuming this dent here's his mouth," I added, arching my hips. "Unh." A wrinkle appeared in my forehead. "Oh, yeah." My head toppled back.
Julian: "Let's trade." My head raised. "What? Sure, yeah, fine." Julian crawled up the body's right side, and I crawled down the left. Once he'd molded his lower half to Henry's shoulders and neck, with the head on his lap, Julian could see what I'd meant about the lamp shade. He pointed his cock at the wettest spot. It slid through the black folds. "Mmm." Then he noticed me lying facedown in the ass, eyes unfocused, my cheeks inflating, deflating ... "Dennis?" Julian cocked his head. Nothing. "Dennis?!" He snapped his fingers fi n g e r s . - .
... Julian figured out a way to lift Henry's face fairly high in the air, then drop it onto his cock, which would end up somewhere in the neck. That felt unbelievable. Plus, each updown motion had a delayed, peculiar effect on Henry's ass. The cheeks would cave in, then reinflate like lungs, giving Julian goosebumps and, from the look of it, making the route to the anus more pretty and treacherous for me. Even the guy's back improved. The homely spine and rib cage got swallowed up by the crazy pattern of his musculature or whatever ...
"Can you rim me? Are you in any condition ... ?" Julian held one ear about an inch up from Henry's mouth. The guy was breathing, but it seemed a little too gentle and fragrant somehow, more like smoke. Julian sat back and squinted at me. "What if he OD's?" I was licking the guy's toes. "It's weird how ... when feet are a little dirty ... they're spicy," I said between licks. "But are they cold?" Julian asked. I quit licking. "Oh, I get it. Well, er, slap the guy." Julian aimed one palm, smacked Henry's cheek. "Hey," Henry groaned, "what the ... fucking. .
"Is he hard?" Julian asked. "Can you ... reach down?" Most of my face disappeared behind Henry's ass, and tilted ninety degrees like a sinking ship. "Uh, no, not even close. It feels, what ... squishy, rubbery?" I raised up.