Citations - Watchmen

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- Seul ce masque m'est utile. Rien d'autre.

- The end is nigh

- Hurm...

- Pas de compromis. Meme face a l'Armaggedon.

- Je viens de briser l'index de cet homme. Qui a tué Edward Blake?

- This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not Fate that butchers them or Destiny that feeds them to dogs. It's us. Only us.

Docteur Manhattan

- Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. Perhaps it simply is, has been, will always be there... a clock without a craftsman.

- La morale de mes actions m'echappe...

- Mort ou vivant, un corps contient le meme nombre de moleculles. Structurellement, aucune difference. Pourquoi serais je concerné?

- Things have their shape in time, not space alone. Some marble blocks have statues within them, embedded in their future.


- I don't mind being the smartest man in the world. I just wish it wasn't this one

a propos de Rorschach - I believe he's a man of great integrity, but he seems to see the world in very black and white, Manichean terms. I personally believe that to be an intellectual limitation.

- Je ne me suis jamais prétendu comme l'homme le plus intelligent de ce monde. J'ai juste des attachés de presse trop enthousiastes.

a propos de Doc Manhattan - If there's one thing in this cosmos that that man isn't capable of doing it's having a political bias. Believe me... you have to meet him to understand. I mean, which do you prefer, red ants or black ants?

- Des aveux impliquent de le repentir. Je ne regrette que son implication accidentelle dans les faits.