from their pan.
“Voilà,” Chef Louis said. “Now you can eat. I think practicing would be good for you. Perhaps you could cook at home together? You could make it a romantic endeavor.”
“I don’t know if we have it in us to be great cooks,” Frannie admitted.
“Pah!” Chef Louis said. “We all cook in our own way, just as we are different in love. Celebrate your own way of doing things.”
He patted Frannie on the shoulder, and went off to another table.
“What do you think?” she asked David. “Should we celebrate our uniqueness?”
“We are good at improvising,” David said. “It really is one of our strengths as a couple.”
“We’re also resilient,” Frannie said. “We’re good at picking ourselves up after mistakes.”
David looked at her for a long moment. “Did I ever tell you that I love you?” he asked.
Frannie blushed, the heat rising to her face. “I love you too,” she said.
They finished off two pieces of duck, declaring everything else inedible.
David fished out his phone and typed in a text message.
“You’re having Brittany order pizza, aren’t you?” Frannie asked.
“Two,” David said. “One cheese and sausage and one with the works.”
“My hero,” Frannie said.