Forgotten Wars Read Online Free

Forgotten Wars
Book: Forgotten Wars Read Online Free
Author: Tim Harper, Christopher Bayly
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Eur E252
Khin Myo Chit, ‘Many a house of life hath held me’, Mss Eur D1066/1
Memoir of P. E. S. Finney, Mss Eur D1041/4
Laithwaite Papers, Mss Eur F138
McInery Diary, Eur Photo 148
Pearce Papers, Mss D947
Rance Papers, Mss Eur F169
Saumarez Smith, W., ‘Seventy four days in 1947’, Mss Eur C409
Thein Pe Myint, ‘Note to Indian Communists 1973, a critique of the Communist movement in Burma’, Mss Eur C498, fo.8
Tyson Papers, Mss Eur E341
Walton Papers, Mss Eur D545
Wavell Papers, Mss Eur D977
Centre of South Asian Studies, Cambridge
F. O. Bell Memoir
H. W. Bell Papers
J. G. E. Bell Papers Benthal Papers Dash Papers
P. D. M. Lingeman Memoir
Ian Stephens Papers
E. T. Stokes Papers
Cambridge University Library
United States Declassified Documents, State Department, Central Intelligence Agency, etc.
Royal Commonwealth Society Library, Cambridge University Library
British Malaysia Association:
H. Bryson Papers
Amy and Richard Haggard, ‘An account of the British Military Administration of Upper Perak, Malaya – 1945/46: being memories based on diaries and letter’, 4 April 2000
Sir George Maxwell Papers
Trinity College, Cambridge
Pethick-Lawrence Papers
Liddell Hart Centre, King’s College, London
Gracey Papers
Messervy Papers
National Army Museum, London
Alston Papers
Bucher Papers
Fauj Akhbar
Savory Papers
Wade Papers
School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Furnivall Papers
Southampton University Library
Mountbatten and Edwina Mountbatten Papers
Rhodes House Library, Oxford
John Dalley Papers/Malayan Security Service, Political Intelligence Journals, 1946–8
Robert Heussler/Malayan Civil Service Papers
Sir Ralph Hone Papers
A. H. P. Humphreys Papers
B. P. Walker Taylor Papers
Sir Arthur Young Papers
Christ Church, Oxford
Tom Driberg Papers
National Archives of Singapore
British Military Administration Headquarters, Singapore, 1945–6: BMA/HQ
British Military Administration Chinese Affairs, Singapore, 1945–6: BMA/CA
Social Welfare Department/Chief Secretary’s Office, Singapore, 1945–7: SCA
Microfilm collection:
Files from National Archives and Records Administration, United States (NARA)
From series: XL
Arkib Negara Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Federal records:
British Military Administration Administrative, 1945–6: BMA/ADM
British Military Administration Departmental, 1945–6: BMA/DEPT
Malayan Union Secretariat: MU
Labour, Malayan Union: LAB
Director of Forests: DF
Director of Co-operation: Coop
State records:
British Adviser, Pahang: BA Pahang
Deputy Commissioner of Labour, Selangor: DCL Selangor
District Office, Temerloh: DO Temerloh
Information Department: INF
State Secretariat, Perak: Pk. Sec
State Secretariat, Selangor: Sel. Sec
State Secretariat, Trengganu: SUK Tr
Oriental and India Office Collection, British Library
Burma Miscellaneous: L/PO/4 and 9
Burma Office Papers: M/3
Governor of Burma’s Office: R/8
Information Department: L/I/1
Judicial and Public Department: L/P and J/4,5 and 8
Reforms Series: R/3 War Staff Files: L/WS/1 and 2
The National Archive, Kew, London
Admiralty: ADM1, 116
Air Ministry: AIR20
Cabinet Office: CAB119, 121, 126
Colonial Office: CO273, 537, 717, 875, 1022
Dominions Office: DO35
Foreign Office: FO371, 4371
Ministry of Defence: DEFE13
Prime Minister’s Office: PREM4
Special Operations Executive: HS1
War Office: WO32, 106, 203, 208, 222, 291, 296, 325
Amrita Bazaar Patrika
The Democrat
Eastern Times
Greater Asia
Hindustan Times
(New Delhi)
Malay Mail
(Kuala Lumpur)
Malaya Tribune
The Nation
New Times of Burma
New York Times News Chronicle
Picture Post
The Planter
(Kuala Lumpur)
Rangoon Times Reynolds News
Straits Echo
Straits Times
Sunday Gazette
The Times
Times of Burma
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