Cam's. There was something strange and disturbing about his eyes but his
smiley attitude towards everything soon made me forget about his freakish eyes that I found a little
“You want some?” he asked holding the sandwich out to me.
“What is it?” I asked.
“Peanut butter and jelly.”
“What, no way!” I said taking the sandwich and biting into it.
“Where'd you get this? I've searched the pantry in the kitchen from top to bottom and never found
Peanut butter was one of the few things I instinctively knew I loved but Shelley had never heard of
peanut butter which I thought was a bit odd for a chef to have never heard of peanut butter.
“Personal stash at my cottage, I'll have to sneak you some in.”
“Mmm!” I moaned chewing on the sandwich and licking my lips.
“You want to do something? Swimming, pool or how about some archery?” I asked handing his
sandwich back to him.
“Archery. Are you even allowed to do archery anymore? I heard you shot a serv in the foot.”
By serv he meant servant, it was a common word used round here.
“There was a bee and it flew at me. It was an accident and I saw that particular serv the other day
and he's no longer limping.”
Kenzie looked at me trying not to laugh.
“Never mind, maybe we'll give archery a miss today. How about some indoor games, drunk twister
was really fun the other day.”
“I can't today. I'm busy with the others.” he said breaking his sandwich into two parts, handing one
to me.
I knew when Kenzie said busy he meant work. I didn't know what he did but I knew it had
something to do with Cam and I knew not to ask questions because he wouldn't tell me. I didn't
think he was allowed to tell me anything. Also when Kenzie said others he was referring to the
other four that were just like him. They all shared the same cold black eyes.
Their names were Roman, Tallen, Ryu and Shasta which was Kenzie's twin sister and the only girl I
had seen working closely with Cam. Whenever they were all in the same room I could swear the
temperature in the room dropped a few degrees, I usually wore an extra layer to dinner in the
evenings. They all shared the same tattoo of a black sun, the same tattoo which many of Cam's
workers had and it was the same one I had tattooed on my own hand. I'd even spotted one on the top
of Emmett's arm. Cam had the same tattoo, a black sun surrounded by flames on the inside of his
forearm. All black and shimmery in the light. Kenzie's sun tattoo was on the inside of his wrist, it
blended in with his other black ink tattoos. His sister Shasta was a little more obvious with hers. She
usually wore very low tight black vest tops with her black bra visible and her tattoo sticking out the
top of it. I had spotted Roman's at the top of his right arm, Tallen had one on the side of his neck
and I was pretty sure I spotted Ryu's on the inside of his right palm last week.
The final thing that made them the same was they each had their own pet raven. The ravens lived in
a special bird house round the back of the manor. Cam's bird was called Rocky and I only knew
Kenzie's bird was called Merlin but the other four had their own names as well.
It was like the six of them, Cam, Roman, Tallen, Ryu, Shasta and Kenzie were connected somehow.
But I couldn't figure out how. It felt like I was missing a piece of the puzzle somewhere.
“But we can do something tomorrow.” Kenzie said pulling me back from my thoughts.
I nodded thinking of things I could do to amuse myself for the rest of the day.
“I have to go Shasta's calling me.” he said kissing me on the side of my face before standing up.
I looked around wondering where Shasta was? I hadn't heard her calling him.
“See ya later Cups.” he said calling me by the nickname he'd given me.
The first time I had met Kenzie I was dressed up in some over the top pink dress with frills and
bows, looking back I probably looked ridiculous. Kenzie said I looked like a giant cup cake with