I didn’t know why he even took the time of day to talk to me.
Another thing, he looked too old to even be at school. Whenever I saw him and his friends, they never had school uniform on. So why would they be on the school grounds, let alone be inside the school?
Why on the first day I met him, did he and his friends come through the bushes?
My emotions were all over the place. At first, I was scared and hurt, then I was confused, now I was starting to feel annoyed. It’s not like I had asked for this attention. Most people ran a mile when they saw me.
He didn’t even seem to notice the ugly birth-mark on my face. Or, if he had noticed it, he had never looked at it. Whenever he looked at me, he looked deep into my eyes. It was as if he was searching for the answer to some unspoken question.
We had only just turned into our street, when my mum came flying out of the front door.
“Erin!” She cried, running towards us. “I’m sorry, your dad and I were out shopping when the school rang, or we would have come to collect you." She told me as she started to examine me, right there in the street.
“Mum, I’m fine!” I tried to reassure her, as Kasey-Ray continued walking to the house. “I fell, it looks worse than it is.”
“You need to be more careful!” She exclaimed, horrified at the sight of the blood in my hair. She ushered me into the house, where my dad was waiting. He looked like he had been pacing the floors.
“Erin!” He rushed towards me, trying to hug me.
“Dad, I’m fine!” I sighed, holding my hands up. I felt like a stuck record having to repeat myself over and over again. I just hoped they bought the whole falling excuse.
My dad looked to my mum. I didn’t see the look she gave him, but he sighed and stepped back. “I just fell Dad, there was a bag on the floor and I didn’t see it.” He nodded and looked like he believed every word I said. “Do you think it’s ok if I have a wash?” I turned to ask my mum.
She hesitated for a moment.
“As long as you don’t get anything in the cut. Tell you what. I’ll help you wash your hair.” She offered, and then followed me as I nodded.
I took my coat off and carried my rucksack to my room. After taking off my shirt and throwing it into the washing basket, I slipped on an old t-shirt, and then headed to the bathroom, where my mum was waiting.
Without a word I leant over the bath, my mum gently poured warm water over my head. I watched as pools of red swirled around and finally escaped down the plug hole.
“I’m not going to shampoo your hair. Not today. I want to wait until that heals a bit more.” She said as she placed a towel on my head gently.
“Okay.” I told her, as I watched the final drops of blood disappear. “I’m just going to clean my face, then do my homework.”
My mum hesitated in the doorway for a while. It seemed something was on her mind. The telephone rang then, making her shake her head.
“Okay love, I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”
I walked into my bedroom, leaning against the door as I closed it. I closed my eyes and just stood there, tears started to roll down my face as I slid down the door to the floor and I sat there for at least 30 minutes, just crying.
I can’t believe she did that. I thought as I placed my head in my hands.
For years I’d grown up hardly talking to anyone besides my family, and now that someone, who I was interested in getting to know, had started talking to me, I was supposed to steer clear of him.
I felt my stomach tighten at this thought. But I had to; I couldn’t have any more run-ins with Jessica. I didn’t know Sean well enough to put my life in danger.
God I’m so stupid! Why was I even thinking through this? I had to stay away from Sean. End of.
I wiped away my tears, and with a deep breath stood up and walked over to my rucksack, I pulled out my reading material. I must have fallen asleep, as I woke when someone started to gently shake me. I yawned